End to Promises

chapter eight

"Miss, would you like something to drink?"

I looked at the bartender between the cracks in my fingers, I nodded softly. "Beer, please." He set one in front of me and I uncapped it, chugging it down. Beer was always my best friend.

"Jordan...?" The bottle almost slipped out of my hand but I caught it before it was able to smash. I slowly set it down on the counter and nodded slowly, not looking at him. He took the seat next to me. "Jordan, look at me." I shook my head, not letting the tears fall. I closed my eyes and kept shaking my head. He put his hand on my arm, "Jordan, please." My lip trembled as I turned my head. I looked at him, but I didn't make eye contact. He reached up and wiped a tear off my face. I put my hand on his, leaving it there, letting his warm touch fill my mind.

"Zack I'm-"

He shook his head, putting a finger to my lips. "You don't have to explain to me now. It can wait." God, I missed him. I finally got up the guts to make eye contact. Those eyes, the ones I'd been dreaming of for five years, were finally real in my mind again. They weren't just my brain trying to picture them. They were the real thing.

I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms found their way around my waist. I closed my eyes, wanting it never to end. "I missed you so much."

I felt his warm breath on my neck, "You have no idea."

He held my hand as we walked back over to everyone. I was chewing on the inside of my bottom lip like I always did.

"What was that all about?" Zack sat where Alex and Kayleigh had been and pulled me on his lap. I giggled and leaned back on him, smiling. I shrugged, they didn't really need to know about it, and honestly, I rather they didn't.

I felt warm air being blown onto my neck and looked around. "Why are you moving?" I giggled and turned my head back around.

"Sorry, you may continue."

"Psh, no. You ruined the moment."

I shrugged and laughed, "Your loss."

He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry. I'm saving my energy for tonight." That was the first time in five years that I was glad I hadn't broken my last promise.