Fighting Fate

A crowbar?

Hunter woke up confused. She sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the couch, dislocating the blanket draped over her in the process. She heard Seth's hushed voice in the kitchen, and she got up, padding over to the doorway. She could barely make out two large shadows in the dark.

"Even if there was something going on, it's none of your business!" Seth growled. Hunter was stunned to see him shaking. "You've already proved you'd rather stand with Bella!"

"She's mine, Seth," Jacob's harsh voice retaliated. "You can't have her."

"Grow up," Hunter said, stepping into the kitchen and flipping the light switch. She opened the refridgerator and dug out an apple, crunching into it. "You're acting like children. Seth, sweetie, we've gone over this, you're just too young. And Jacob, I'd rather bang one of the Cullens than be yours." Turning off the light again, Hunter returned to her spot on the couch.

"Jake, don't!" Seth yelled, and Hunter heard the shattering of glass. "Great! Emily's going to kill me! How am I going to explain this? 'Oh, yeah, Jake and I got into a fight because I like his imprint and he definitely doesn't want her so he got mad and jumped out the window!' That'll go over really well!" Hunter giggled, but stopped once she saw Emily stomping down the stairs.

"I hope you have a good reason for- Seth Clearwater!" Emily exploded. "What happened?"

"Jake dropped by, we got into a fight and he jumped out the window!" Seth explained hurriedly, hoping to get his story out before Emily killed him. "Please don't kill me, I'll pay for the window!"

"You'd better," Emily scowled, then stormed back upstairs. Giggling, Hunter dug her phone out of the crack in the sofa. It was about five in the morning, and she couldn't sleep, so she decided to go upstairs and get dressed for the day. She went upstairs, digging through her suitcase until she found a pair of jean leggings, a blue v-neck with birds on it, and a dark blue hoodie. She also pulled out a pair of flats, her make up bag, and her accessory bag. She went into the bathroom, locking the door, and started the shower. She undressed and stepped under the hot spray, letting it sooth her tense muscles. After she finished showering, she got dressed, and applied eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, and her favorite Falsies mascara. To finish up, she slipped on a jewel encrusted flower ring and shoved her feet into her black flats. She decided to go to Port Angeles today, maybe do a little shopping.

"Sam's here!" Seth yelled up the stairs, more to Emily than to Hunter, but it was Hunter who ran down the stairs.

"Sam, can I borrow your car today?" she asked, a little breathless from her sprint downstairs.

"Sure, just don't wreck it, and be careful," Sam agreed, not looking at her. She knew if she looked over her shoulder, she'd see Emily coming down the stairs. So she just snatched Sam's car keys from the table by the door and left.

"Hey, I'm coming with you," Seth called as he jogged out the door. He jumped into the passenger seat, grinning at Hunter. "There's some vamps in Seattle, you really think any of the pack would let you go anywhere alone?"

"Jacob would," Hunter muttered, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

"Okay, look, Hunter. When we're wolves, I'm in his head. I know what he's thinking. And he knows he's being an idiot, and he wants to start trying. But he's terrified of what Bella will think. He's also terrified that you'll hurt him like Bella has. He doesn't hate you, and he sure as hell doesn't want you dead, just give him time."

"You know the stories, Seth," Hunter replied. "You know that if he stays away from me for too long, I'll die. And if I die, he'll go completely feral and never change back. Frankly, I don't want to die, and I know you guys don't want him to go feral. Somebody needs to talk some sense into him, soon, before I take a crowbar to his face."

"A crowbar? What are you, in the mafia or something?" Seth laughed. Hunter scowled at him, and he shut up. "We don't want you to die, either. I'll try to talk to him, okay?"

"Just make sure you're outside, Emily will freak if you break another window," Hunter responded, pulling up in the parking lot of a small boutique in Port Angeles. "Come on, you get to sit outside the changing room and tell me that what I'm trying on doesn't make me look fat." She dragged Seth into the store and began looking around. She immediately found a dress she loved, some thermal shirts, a few pairs of jeans, and a couple of jackets. A more thorough search unearthed a few beaded bracelets that she adored. Armed with her clothes, she shoved Seth into a chair outside the changing room, and began to model her choices for him.

Seth was speechless when she showed him the dress. It hugged her every curve, flaring out a little at the bottom. She was so beautiful, and she didn't even know it. Sighing, Seth helped her carry her purchases to check out, and then out to the car. He had to patrol with Jake tonight, and when he thought about Hunter in that dress, Jake would probably attempt to rip out his throat.

Spectacular. Just spectacular.
♠ ♠ ♠
woop! another update. comment/subscribe, you know the drill. (:

Hunter's shopping outfit
Hunter's purchases

if you can't tell, i have way too much fun with polyvore. (: