Status: Activeee.[:

Real World: Malibu

Chapter 13.

Kay's Point Of View.

A little more rock, a little less roll. A little more new, a little less old. A little bit of faith, a little bit of trust. A little bit of never giving up. A little bit of you, a little bit of me. A little less them, a lot more we. Just a little more us. Just a little more us. Tonight

My IPod alarm went off. I groaned, pulling the covers over my head. Chett pushed me, his way of telling me to turn it off. I obliged and stood up to stretch. It was 2:00am. I was an idiot and booked a really early flight to Bradenton. I was suppose to wake everyone up so we could get ready. Our flight was at 5:30 so we had 2 and a half hours to get ready so we would be there an hour early. I shrugged and decided to take a shower before anyone else woke up.

I grabbed a towel and went and took a shower, the water hitting my back. After washing my hair and shaving, I stepped out and dried myself. I started walking back to my room, but I stopped at Bryan and Hayley's room.

"Guys. ! Wake up get ready." They groaned in response, but I knew they would be up.

I continued to Kenny and Cass's room.

"Wake up. !"

I made my way to Alex and See's room.


"We're up." Alex said yawning.

"Good." He looked at me and noticed I was wearing only a towel. He smirked and I flipped him off jokingly.

I finally went to my room, and shook Chett awake.

I walked into the closet and pulled on black skinnys, a gray AMerrickAn shirt with a skull on it, and black HiTops. I walked back into the bathroom. I stood in front of a mirror and straightened my hair. I put on my usual makeup and walked back into the room. Chett was already done, and I envied the guys for the fact that it took them half the time it took us girls to get ready.

All our suitcases were in the car already, we just had our carry ons.

I walk upstairs to make pancakes when I hear a guy scream from the kitchen. i run the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen. I see Alex with a look of horror on his face.

"What Alex. !"

"Tragedy has struck... " I wait for him to finish. "We are out of peanut butter." He pouts.

"Seriously Alex. !"

"Hey. ! When I want pancakes with peanut butter and we run out. " He defends himself. He started taking
shallow breaths.

"Alex, breath. Can you wait til we're in Florida for peanut butter pancakes. ? I'll make you a bunchhhhhh." I plead. Alex got weird when we run out of peanut butter.

He seemed to be in thought for a while. "Fineeee." He sighed.

I sighed in relief. "Thank you."

I made the batter real quick and made pancakes.


"KAY. !" Alex yells back. I realize he's sitting at the table. "Do you have to scream so loud. ?"

"I'm sorry." I put my hands up.

Everybody came down and we ate. We had to get to the airport, so we went downstairs, grabbing our carry-ons and headed into the cars.

We got to the airport, stopping to get Frappucinos, with an hour and 2 minutes before we would leave.
By the time we all checked in our bags and went through security, we had 30 minutes left. We all walked into the gate and sat down in the seats.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a bag of Sour Patch. I opened it and started eating it, sipping on my Frappucino occasionally.

"How can you eat that this early Kay. ?" Bry asked, still a little tired.

"Like this." I said, as i put 3 more sour patch in my mouth.

Bry just stuck his tongue out at me. He closed his eyes and I threw a sour patch at him. His eyes flew open and he glared at me.

"I love you Bryan. !" I said throwing another sour patch. He caught it, putting it in his mouth.

"How can you eat that this early. ?" I mocked him from earlier.

He stuck out his tongue at me once again. "Just give me more please."

I handed him the bag. "I'll be right back. I need to pee."

I gave Alex a look and he shook his head up and down.

I walked around the corner and leaned against the wall.

2 minutes later, Alex walks around the corner. I smile at him, causing him to smile.

He runs up to me and hugs me, his arms wrapped around my waist, and mine wrapped around his neck.

"I haven't gotten to spend any time with you since that date." He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

"I know. I miss you" I whisper into his lips.

"I miss you too." He whispered back before pressing his lips back onto mine.

I pulled away after a minute. "We better get back. They're gonna be wondering where we are." I sighed.
He sighed too and shook his head.

"But I get to spend some time alone with my beautiful girlfriend in Florida."

He pressed his lips to mine briefly before I started walking back to everyone else, but right as I was about to turn the corner Alex spoke.

"You taste like Sour Patch by the way." He said smiling.

I laughed. "You love it." I walked around the corner and sat down next to Chett, who was dozing off. I leaned over next to his ear.

"CHESTER. !" I screamed, causing everyone in our gate to look at me.

"HOLY FUCK. !" He screamed jumping out of his seat. "KANITHA STELLA DUONG. !" He turned and glared at me.

I chuckled softly. "I LOVE YOU CHESTER LOVETT. !" I make a heart with my hands.



He sighed. "Fine." He said sitting down next to me. Everybody in the gate was still looking at us. We ignored them and he laid his head on my shoulder.

We waited for another 15 minutes and were finally able to board the plane. We got up and made our way onto the plane. My seat was in between Kenny and Chett. Alex and Bri were in front of us and the rest of the girls behind us.

"I'm going to sleep." Chett announced laying his head back down on my shoulder once we left off.
I smiled and kissed his head. I leaned my cheek against his head.

After about 10 minutes, I could hear snores from the girls.

"So Kenny. How's it going with See. ?" I asked

He smiled. "Okay. You know, after you blurted out that I liked her." He nudged me.

"What are you talking about. ? I would never do such a thing. !" I smiled.

"Oh yeah. ? Let's see, over the course of the time I've known you, You've told a lot of times. You told Courtney one summer that Gary's liked her since 6th Grade. You told Amber when you came to our graduation that John liked her for a year and he thought she looked 'so hot that I wanna fuck her right now'. You told Valerie another summer that Pat thought she was really pretty.You told Chelsea that Jared like her at Tim's wedding. You-"

I cut him off. "Okay, okay. So I do. i'm sorry but you guys can't grow the balls to actually do it yourselves." I said shrugging.

He raised his eyebrows. "So your saying that you would just come out and tell a guy you like that you like them . ?"

I immediately thought of Alex. "Actually, yes. Yes I would. And I did." I stated.

"To who. ?" He asked skeptically.

"Uh, Will." I said, recalling the name I came up with the day of Mine and Alex's date.

"Your right... But when do we get to meet this Will guy. ?" Kenny asked.

I bit my bottom lip. "Um, I'm not sure yet. When the time's right." I said.

"Mmmm. Fine. But it better be within 2 months." He grumbled.

"Not making any promises Ken."

We talked for the rest of the plane ride, eating the rest of the sour patch. Chett slept the entire ride on my shoulder.

We got off the plane and walked to baggage claim. We then walked outside and piled into 2 cars waiting for us. We got to the hotel we were staying out and stepped out.

"Hello Florida. !" We all screamed.

"Hello to clubbing." Chett started.

"Hello to the Gulf Of Mexico." See said.

"Hello to the Floridians." Kenny continued.

"And Hello to one Hell of a time. !" I finished.

And We all knew it would be a hell of a time.
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Fun Fact: This Chapter is on the 69th Day of them being on the Real World. :D