Status: Activeee.[:

Real World: Malibu

Chapter 14.

Kay's Point Of View

I walked into the hotel room I shared with Chett, Alex and See. We decided to keep the bed mates thing since we were all here. I dropped my stuff at the foot of mine and Chett's bed.

We all met up out in the hallway.

"Since you guys are new to Bradenton, I think I should call up Travis, Danny, Hunter, and Drew and we could walk around and we'll show you some places. I don't have to see everyone til tomorrow anyways." I said.

"Sure, sounds good."

We all walked back into our rooms to change.

I picked up the hotel phone and dialed one of the many numbers I memorized.

"Hello. ?" Hunter answered.

"HUNTER. !" I screamed.

"Woah, KAY. !"

"Yeah. ! You with the guys. ? I know your in Bradenton."

"Yeah, we're all at my house."

"Well, meet us at the Ritz Carlton. We were planning on walking around Bradenton. Show these guys what
they're missing." I said smiling.

"Yeah, we'll be there in ... 45 minutes. "

"Great, See you soon bud. "


I put the phone back on the receiver and walked to my suitcase.

I changed into gray skinny jeans that had a rip on both thighs, Garrett's 'Garrett Attack' shirt, and blue
LoTops that matched the shirt. I brushed through my hair and put on my makeup. I spritzed on my perfume and stuffed my wallet into my pocket. I twirled my necklace and willed myself to keep the tears in.

I walked outside and leaned against the wall opposite the guys.

"Hey Kay. ?"

I looked up to Alex. "Yeah. ?"

"I have to ask. You have a JAGK shirt, an A-Merrick-an shirt, and the shirt Garrett desgined. Why Don't
you have a shirt me, Bry, or Kenny designed. ?"

I smiled. "Actually, I have Kenny's "Kennedy Invade" shirt, John's Giraffe shirt, Jared's wolf shirt, Pat's ratboy shirt, and a special shirt desgned by each person in BLG, and WTK. And one by Rian. AND one from the entire WTK, BLG, and The Maine band. It's just you I don't have a shirt frpm."

He gasped. "What. !?"

I nodded.

"Am I not special enough. ?" He crossed his arms, pretending to be mad at me.

"Yepp. That and you never asked." I shrugged.

"Can I make you a special shirt. ?" He asked.

I pretended to think. "Hmmmmm. Sure."

"Yes. !" He pumped his fists in the air. I laughed.

"Your such a goober Alex."

"Did you just call me a goober. ?" A look of confusion swept across his face.

"Yes. Yes I did."

Before he could reply, I was knocked to the ground.

"Ughh. " I looked at who tackled me. "Hunter. !" He got off and pulled me up and into a hug.

"Hey Kay. ! I miss you."

"I miss you too. " He let go of me and side stepped just in time for the rest of the guys to tackle me down.

"Oofff. Guys. ! Your all heavy." I pushed them off me and stood up.

I hugged each of them. "I miss you guys. !"

"We miss you too Kay. !"

"Is everyone ready t go. ?" i turned and faced the roommates.

"Yeah, Let's rock this shit." Kenny said. I laughed.

"You can't rock anything Ken." I said pinching his cheeks.

"Thanks Kay. Way to boost my self esteem. "

"I love you to Kenny. Now, let's blow this Popsicle stand."

We walked to the elevators and walked out of the lobby.

"I think we should drive to Shake Pit first and pass by Manatee."

"Yeah let's go."

They brought they're van so we all squeezed inside.

"If you look to your left ladies and gentlemen, you will find the lovely Manatee High School." I said, in a tour guide voice. "Our next stop will be the wonderful Shake Pit. Please make sure hoods are up and sunglasses are on. We do not need a crowd."

We pulled into the parking lot and got out.

We all ordered, and Sat down at two tables next to each other.

"These will probably be the best shakes you ever drank."

They all took a bite off their spoons, and their faces immediately lit up.

"I told you." I sing songed.

Me and the guys drove around the entire city, stopping at certain places. Showing our amazing city with
everyone else.

At night's end, we parked the car and all walked to mine and the guy's secret spot. We always come here when something happened, or we just needed to really talk. It was OUR place.

I sat next to Travis on the edge, our feet dangling above the water. Everyone sat next to us.

"I miss this place. " I said leaning my head on Travis's shoulder. The sun was just setting, the lights played on the buildings across the water from us.

"It's missed you Kay, We don't come down here much cause it's not the same without you here." He hugged me.

"Look. She's here." I leaned over the water and smiled.

There was a manatee in the water. Every time I came down here, she would come. Weird I know, but it's true.

"Hi. I haven't seen you in a while, Scar." I smiled and Danny, Travis, Hunter, and Drew all surrounded me and hugged me.

"Scar. ?" Cass asked.

We nodded. "The first time we came here, she came here. And she has a scar on her body. We don't know from where, but Scar is short for Scarlett." Danny explained.

The guys returned to their seats and we watched the sun finish setting.

"I love all you guys. And the rest of ATL, BLG, and TM. I have no idea how I got so many amazing friends." I said softly. "I love you too Scar."

"You got amazing friends because your an amazing girl who shouldn't have to go through everything she has, by herself." Bryan said pulling me up and engulfing me in a hug.

"I love you Bry. Thank you for being my brother."

"Anytime Kay. I love you too." He kissed my temple.

Everyone else stood up and gave me a group hug.

"I really do love you guys." I said, my voice muffled by someone's shoulder.

We separated and headed back to the hotel.

"I'll see you soon Scar." I whispered as we pulled the van away.

When we got to the hotel, we all hung out til around midnight when I decided to kick WTK out.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. " I hugged them and they left.

I changed into shorts and a tank top and the bathroom and laid under the covers.

"Night guys."

"Night Kay."

My eyes slowly closed as I still thought of how I deserved friends as amazing as mine.


I woke up and took a shower. I wrapped the hotel towel around my body and walked back out to the room.

Alex and Chett were just waking up and See was still snoring away.

"Hey guys. "

I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out some black skinny jeans with holes in them, my lime green shirt
that all of WTK designed and undergarments.

I slipped on my panties under the towel and put my bra on before taking the towel off.

I pulled on my jeans and pulled the shirt on over my head. I turned around and Alex and Chett were talking but Alex was watching me.

"Perv," I mouthed.

He shrugged and continued talking to Chett.

30 minutes later, everyone is ready. My makeup was done and I had lime green HiTops on. WTK was just
pulling away from the hotel.

"So Cass, Hayley, See, and Chett get to meet my family, and Alex, Bry, Kenny, Travis, Danny, Drew, adn Hunter get to see them again." I said. I was excited to see everyone.

"Coolio. I miss your mom." Kenny said.

"I know you think she's better than me Kenny. You can admit it." I said, fake sniffling.

"I love you more Kay. But only by a little." He said.

"Thanks Ken. means a lot" I stuck my tongue out at him.

By then, we pulled up to my house.

I got out and smiled, running inside.

"MOM. ! DAD. ! BELLS. !" I yelled running into the kitchen.

"KANITHA. !" my mom engulfed me in a hug.

"Hi Mom."

"Kay. !" My sister ran up and hugged me.

"Bells. ! How have you been. ?" I released her.

"Good. Me and Damon are doing good. And My sweet sixteen is in three days. !" She said jumping up
and down.

"I know. ! We came in time for it. ! And I have your present at my apartment. !" I said jumping with her.

"Kanitha. !"

"Daddy. !" I jumped into his open arms.

"Kay. !" I looked at the doorway.

"Thai. ?" I yelled, hugging her as well.

"Kay Kay. !"

"Chace. !" I kneeled down and Chace rammed into me knocking me backwards. "I missed you."

I stood up and put Chace on my hip.

"Oh guys, you remember Bryan, Kennedy, Alex, and Travis, Drew, Danny, and Hunter." I pointed each
one out.

They all hugged each other.

"And this is Cassadee, Siera, Hayley, and Chett. " I pointed out my roommates. "And this is my mom,
Kristen, my dad, Robert, my sister, Bella, My cousin Thai and my nephew Chace. They are Kyle's wife and son." I pointed my family out.

They all said hi and gave each other hugs.

"So how do you feel being back in Bradenton. ?" My mom asked me.

"It's been good. Me and the guys showed everyone else around last night. And I'm gonna be visiting some
friends later. "

We all hung out at my parent's place for a couple hours.

"Remember. Same's will reading is tomorrow." My mom said hugging me. "And don't worry, Liv won't be there. I don't even think Same would leave anything for her." She whispered in my ear. I just nodded.

I hugged my dad and Thai.

"Bells your coming with right. ?" She nodded.

"Okayy. Well, we'll be going. I'll drop her off later and then I'll see you guys tomorrow when you pick me up."

We walked outside but as soon as we hit the drive way I stopped.

"WAIT. ! I have to go see Travis's family. " I said running across the street to his old house.

I rang the door bell and stood there patiently.

"Hello. ? -Kay. !" The door opened and Mrs. Clark pulled me into a hug.

"Hi Mrs. C. How are you. ?"

"I'm good. I'm good. How bout you. ? How's Malibu. ?"

"It's great.. And I'm good friends with a few of the roommates beforehand so It's really fun."

"That's great. " She said smiling.

"Kay. !"

"Mr. C. ! How are you. ?" I was pulled into yet another hug.

"I'm great. ! And you. ?"

"I'm fabulous."

"Kay. ?!"

"Hey there Kid. !" I hugged Travis's 17 year old brother.

"Hey, I'm not a kid."

"You'll always be a kid to me. Even though your taller than me. "

He smiled.

"You look so much like your brother. That crazy red hair. "

"I know." He stood proudly.

"Okay, well I have to go. I'll visit again before I leave back to Malibu." I hugged them all once more and left.

We drove around the city, stopping at Hunter and Drew and Danny's parents house and a couple friends' house. It was around eleven so we dropped off Bells and the guys dropped us off at our hotel.

"I'm going to sleep. !" I announced running into the room, grabbing clothes and running into the bathroom. I came back out in Lime green booty shorts and A bright blue tank top. I walked to mine and Chett's bed and snuggled under the covers.

I heard the door open and close and soon felt a presence in front of me.

"Can I help you, ?" I asked not opening my eyes.

Instead of an answer, they pressed their lips against mine. I smiled and kissed back wrapping my arms
around Alex's neck. We soon were making out on my bed, me straddling his waist.

He lifted my shirt but I pulled away. He pouted.

"Alex, I am not having sex with you for the first time with everybody outside." I whisper-yelled.

"Your right. I wouldn't expect you to. " He smiled, caressing my cheek.

"Your too perfect." I kissed him again and we heard someone putting their key into the door. I shot up and
pushed Alex off the bed.

"Hey are you sleep- What's Alex doing on the floor. ?" Chett asked confused.

"He said I couldn't get him on the floor, so I proved him wrong." I shrugged like it was nothing.

He just nodded.

"Night guys." I snuggled back into the covers and soon fell asleep.


The next morning, I took a shower and changed into Black skinnys, a Baby blue Vneck with a black tank top underneath, and baby blue HiTops. I put on my makeup and put on bracelts and putting my wallet into my pocket. I grabbed an Aeropostle sweater on my way out.

I walked outside and into my parent's car. And headed to the will reading.


Same left me with all his music stuff; band posters, band Tees, guitars; and a lot of his money. The rest of
his money went to Bells. A bunch of stuff was left to bells and my parents. Before I left, the guy who did the will reading handed me a note. It had Kanitha written across it in his handwriting.

I opened it,

Dear Kay,
If your reading this, then I have sadly passed. I really wish I could be there with you right now. But I knew that the war was getting fiercer and the possibility of me dying were greater. So before I went off to duty, I stopped by your apartment to look at the amazing guitar you got for me. It was incredible. I still can't believe you got them all to sign it. ! I leave that guitar to you and the rest off my guitars. Remember those guitars you came with me to buy. ? The acoustic and electric ones right before I left for the Navy. ? Those two guitars has a message written on it. Remember me always.
I Love You Kanitha Stella Duong.
~Same Duong.
PS. Just go after Alex.

I smiled at the note.


After I got dropped off at the hotel, I got in the car the producers rented us and drove to Same's apartment that he shared with a friend for when he was on leave;His friend wasn't in the army. I pulled up and rang the doorbell.

Sonny opened the door.

"Hey Kay."

"Hey Sonny." I hugged him and he let me in.

I walked into Same's room and found the acoustic guitar he was talking about.

I walked over and touched it softly.

I love you Kay. ! For all those sweet songs you wrote. <3 - Same Duong.

I smiled. I found the electric guitar.

For those hard-rocker songs. -Same Duong. <3

I smield again. I looked around the room and tears came to my eyes. I wiped them away and walked out of
the apartment, waving bye to Sonny.

I headed to my apartment, wanting to say hello to one of my best friends [of course not the one that Ryan cheated on me with. Her and my not-so sister were kicked out that day.] I walked into the apartment using a spare key.

"Britt. !"

"Kay. !" I was tackled to the ground.

"It's so good to see you. "

"Same here."

She pulled me up.

"I'll be right back Britt."

She nodded. "But-"

I was already out of earshot. I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I turned on the lights and stood there in awe.

Sitting on my bed was one of my ex's and one of the 2 people who i fell in love with. Koby.

He looked up,

"Koby. ? What are you doing here. ?"

"I heard you were back in town for a bit, so I came here to see you."

He pulled me into a hug.

"Aren't you suppose to be in Europe. ? For School. ? I mean that's the entire reason we broke up. ?"

I looked at him.

"Yeah, It didn't fit me. So I came back so we could get back together but Britt told me you went to Malibiu for
a reality TV show."

"Kobes. I have a -"

I wasn't able to finish the sentence cause Koby had pressed his lips against mine.