Status: Activeee.[:

Real World: Malibu

Chapter 15.

I pushed Koby away lightly.

His eyes were full of confusion.

"Do you not lo-"

"Kobes, I have a boyfriend now."

I could see all the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Koby." I whispered. I could feel the tears forming, so I backed away slowly, and my apartment to the car.

I drove back to the hotel, holding back tears the entire time. I pulled into the parking lot and turned off the car.

I pulled my knees to my chest, laying my head on them. I started crying, the tears streaming down my face.

I knew I was still in love with Koby. I never got over him.

I don't know how long how was there, but the next thing i knew, Bryan had walked outside and found me.

"Kay, what happened. ?" He opened the door and engulfed me in a hug. I grabbed balls of his shirt and buried my face in his neck. "Come on, let's get you upstairs. "

He slide an arm under my knees and picked me up. He closed the door and i soon felt cold air hitting us. The next thing I know, we stepped off the elevator and was in Bry's room. He laid me on his bed.

Everyone was in my room for some reason.

"Do you want to talk now. ?"

I shook my head fiercely.

"Okay, well I'll get everyone to crash in the other room tonight, Okay. ?"

"Can..... you.... and..... Kenny.... ?" I asked between sobs.

"Of course Kay." He stroked my hair. "We'll be back in a bit, mmkay. ?"

I nodded.

He got up and left.

I got under the covers and buried my face int he pillow.

Why did my life have to be so complicated.

I soon fell asleep after crying for twenty minutes.


I woke up with Bry on one side of me, and Kenny on the other. They had pushed the beds together so
there was room.

I smiled weakly, some people loved me.

I sat up, my legs crossed.

"Guys." I said, shaking both of them awake.

"Hmmm. "They both stirred awake and when they saw i wasn't crying, attacked me, pulling me backwards onto the bed.

"Guyyys. !!" I laughed, pulling the covers over my head.

"Are you ready to talk to us now. ?" Kenny asked.

I pulled away the covers,"No." I shook my head.

"Well We'll be here for ya when your ready. " Kenny hugged me.

"Thank You Ken."

"I'll see you guys in a bit. " Kenny said standing up. He kissed my forehead and gave me another hug.

When he closed the door Bry looked at me.

"Who's William. ?"

"My Boyfriend. ?" I asked more than said.

He rolled his eyes. "Really. ? I meant who is he. We still haven't met him yet."

"Bry. I'll introduce you guys to him when I feel it's right. And I don't think its now."

"Okay, Kay. But soon right. ?"

I smiled. "Maybe,"

He smiled. "Go get dressed. We're going to breakfast then to Busch Gardens. "

"Okay, well, my stuff is in the other room."

"Bry. ?" I asked, almost to the door.

"Yeah. ?"

I put my hand out. "Best friends since diapers. "

He smiled, and put his hand out. "Til gray haired in rocking chairs."

We did our secret handshake and i hugged him.

"If you do not stay in this room, Get out and get dressed. We're going to breakfast and Busch Gardens.." I
said, kicking everyone else out of my room.

I went to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of lime green denim shorts that reached my mid thigh, and a red Hollister shirt. I quickly changed and brushed through my hair, pulling it up in a high ponytail and pining my bangs back.I slipped on some red flip flops and stuffed my wallet in my pocket before heading out the door.


"GUYS. ! Your gonna get us kicked out. !" I laughed. The WTK guys joined us and We were currently at a diner me and WTK used to go to after school all the time. Right now,all the guys were playing with their breakfast, making animal noises, and just making our booth a mess.

"We got kicked out a lot in high school." Danny said laughing.

"Cause you guys would always do something stupid.. ! Your lucky I know the owner of the diner or else we would never be able to come here again." I said. Sticking my tongue out.

I slipped out of the booth and walked to the counter.

"Hey Kay."The owner's son said. He had blonde hair and green eyes. I had known his family for a while.

"Hey Mike. I am so sorry about them." I said pointing to our booth.

"No problem. My dad's used to the messes you and the guys made back in high school."

I smiled. I paid the bill and left Mike a tip. "it was nice seeing you again Mike." I said hugging him across the counter.

"Same here Kay."

"Let's go." i told everyone. We piled into the van and started driving to Tampa.

We got our tickets and the unlimited Quickie Queue pass so that we didn't have to wait in the long lines for the bigger rides. I slipped my sunglasses off, shielding my eyes from the sun. None of us had any bags so we could just walk without worrying about anything.


We had a blast at Busch Gardens. I love that freaking place. ! I know everyone had fun too. I offered to drive since everyone was pretty tired. I pulled up to the hotel and got out, Travis taking over the wheel.

"Remember, you have to be at Bells' venue early tomorrow to help finish setting up." I told Travis through the window.

"I got it. Night Kay."

"Night Trav."

I watched as he drove away. Then last night hit me. I groaned and turned to everyone.

"I'm gonna go for a drive." I said sliding into a car and driving.

I pulled into mine and WTK's spot and sat down on the edge, my feet dangling over the water. I sat for a moment before leaning back and laying on the ground, my feet still dangling over the edge, and staring at the stars.

I heard splashes of water and sat up. I smiled instantly.

"Hey Scar." I whispered, she looked at me and splashed her tail getting water on me.I laughed lightly.

"What do you think I should do. ?"

What do you think you should do. ?

W-W-Who are you. ?

Who did you just ask.?

Scar. ?

Actually, when you ask Scar on advice, even back in high school, you were really talking to me, the wise part of your mind.

Wow, smart ass. I scoffed.

Hey. !

Anyways, what do you think i should do. ?

Who do you think you should be with. ?

I don't know. ! That's why I'm asking you. ! Gawddddd.

Who can you imagine growing old with. ?

I thought about this as I looked at Scar. I couldn't see me and Koby old, but I could see Alex still making me laugh, even at 69.


Then that's who you should be with. But you still have to explain to Koby.

I leaned forward and petted Scar.

"I love you Scar." I got up and got in my car, driving to his apartment.

I got out and started walking into the Apartment buildings door, when i felt someone cover my mouth. I struggled, but they must have had something cause I soon fell into the blackness...
♠ ♠ ♠
I want to thank anyone who reads this, now or in the future. It means a lot. And to those who have Subscribed. !! :D Chapter 16 is the last one i have on QZ , but I'm writing up Chapter 17 now. :D