Status: Activeee.[:

Real World: Malibu

Chapter 6.

After I told Garrett everything I walked back to the Alcohol counter. I drank to wash away my troubles. I did it when my sister called, so I could do it now after what happened with Alex. John Ohh, Martin, Jack, and Travis were doing shots, so I joined in. I was not a lightdrunk, so I beat all of them, and I managed to just get tipsy while the rest of them were pretty wasted. I had a strong feeling that the 25 guests were gonna be crashing here.


I woke up the next morning with a major headache. I looked down and saw that i was in shorts and a tank top.

Weird, i don't remember changing.

I looked next to me and sure enough Chett was asleep. I looked around the room and saw Garrett, John Ohh, Same and Paul asleep on the floor. The ending of last night, or this morning, was a blur. I remember doing shots, then opening presents. I got some cool stuff, then after i opened presents Taylor left. And that's the last thing I remember. I got up and made my way to the bathroom, making sure not to wake anybody up. I brushed my teeth and removed the makeup from last night. I brushed through my hair, pulling it into a pony-tail. I walked upstairs, quietly, noticing Drew and Danny sleeping in the little living room downstairs.

I made my way to the kitchen and saw Alex, Jack, and Kenny standing there with coffee.

"Hey Guys." I said walking to the medicine cabinet to get some aspirin. I swallowed the pills and turned to get the last of the coffee. I put another pot on for whoever woke up next. I turned to the guys who were whispering quietly. I turned and saw more people sleeping on the couches in the living room. I couldn't help but giggle at everybody that was crashed in some random place.

"Kayyyy Creammmmmm. You should make everyone some pancakes. " Jack said, giving me a puppy-dog face.

"Jack, you must think I'm crazy. There's 31 people in this house right now. I have a major headache. My right arm is broken. There probably isn't enough ingredients or syrup."

"Pleeeeeeaaaaaassseeeeeee Kayyyyyyyyyyyyy Creammmmmmmmmmmm. We haven't had your pancakes in foreverrrrrrrrrrr. And they are to die for. What if you and Kenny start with whatever ingredients we have in the house right now, and me and Alex here go run to the store and get more ingredients and syrup. ?" He pleaded.

I sighed. "Cause your my best friend and so is pretty much everyone in the house right now, fine. I will make 4 pancakes for everybody. Crap that's like 124 pancakes." I grumbled.

Jack squealed. "Your the best Kay."

"I know. Now hurry up and get to the store." I told him what we needed and they were off.

I went through the cabinets and pulled out the stuff I needed to make my pancakes. I turned to Kenny and told him to start making the batter. I pulled out multiple big cooking bowls. I took out two big frying pans.

Soon the batter was made and Kenny and I started making the pancakes.

"So, Kenny. How's it going with See, I mean now that I'm out of the hospital you could start making your move." I said nudging him slightly.

He chuckled. "I like her Kay. She's so cool and down-to-earth." I knew what he meant. See was one of my new best friends.

"You should tell her you like her."

"I don't think I'm doing that anytime soon. "

"Why not. ?"

"There will be a time when me and her should be together and the day after one of my best friends got out of the hospital is not it."

"Your right. But your gonna do it before we have to leave right. ?"

"Yeah, of course. So off the subject of me and See. What's up with you and Alex. ? " He looked at me from the corner of his eye.

I sighed. "I thought Garrett would've told you."

"You told Garrett before me. ! I am truly hurt Kay." He said, his hand went to his chest. I laughed lightly.

"He was the first one I found."

"Well, what happened. ?"

"I told Alex that I liked him and that he gave me way too many mixed signals. I told him I was done with all that shit and I was done liking him. I then told him that we couldn't be friends right now. And I didn't know when we could." I said, recapping last night's events.

"Wow Kay. I know he gives a lot of mixed signals and all, but Alex does like you. "

"How do you know. ?"

"Just by the way he looks at you. And how much he cares about you. I mean, he stayed in that fucking hospital by your side pretty much the entire time. "

"I know, I know. But then he brings that Blonde Chick Taylor here, and.... I don't know anymore Kenny. " I said leaning my head against his arm since I was so short.

"Don't worry Kay. It will all become clear soon."

I nodded. We had made about 40 pancakes when Jack and Alex returned from the supermarket.

"Kenny, go help them make the batter." He did as told while I finished off the original batter. Let me tell you, it is very hard making pancakes with a cast on.

I could feel Alex looking at me, but I refused to meet his eyes. I focused on the pancakes, and when Kenny and Jack finished mixing the new batter, me and Kenny started making more. Soon we finished all 124 pancakes. I made one extra for Jack, Kenny, and Same. Jack and Kenny for actually helping, and Same because he was my brother.

It was around noon so everyone was waking up. And when they woke up they walked into the kitchen where i gave them 4 pancakes and let them drizzle syrup on it. They ate it happily,savoring each bite. I smiled. I loved cooking for my friends. It always made them so happy.

Everybody ate and talked to everyone else. I smiled. My friends were making friends with people from other states, non-famous and famous. I nudged Garrett and Kenny, who I was sitting with.

"I'm gonna go for a walk. " They nodded, and I walked to my room. I grabbed my IPod then walked in the Bathroom. I went to the secret room and sat at the couch.

I sat there, just listening to music and thinking. It was times like this that I cherished. I could just sit here and listen to music for hours. Like my tattoo says, music is my escape. When my life is chaos, I just grab my IPod and get lost in the music.

I sat there for about half an hour. I crawled back through the narrow tunnel and stopped at the end, listening to see if anyone was in the bathroom. After hearing nothing, I climbed out quickly.

I walked downstairs to see that mostly everyone was gone. I saw Same in the kitchen talking to Alex, he had a suitcase by his legs. I looked at him fully for the first time. He had a buzzcut, duhh, but when he wasn't in uniform he dressed really nice. Hollister adn Aeropostle. I missed him. He was 25, a few years older than me. His birthday was actually the 10th. Tomorrow. I walked up and hugged him from behind. He turned around in shock, then wrapped his arms around me too. He kissed my head.

"I've missed you Kiddo."

"I've missed you too Same." I said.


"Hmm. ?"

"I just got called back. I have to catch a flight in 4 hours to fly to Jacksonville, then I fly to Iraq. I have to go straight in combat." My heart broke.

"What. ? So soon. ?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, but I have to. " I sighed.

"I know. But I didn't have anytime to spend with you."

"Welll, how bout we go out right now. Just you and me. We can go get some ice-cream maybe. ? Just talk. ? Then come back here, grab my stuff and you could drive me to the airport." He suggested.

"If I leave the city, I have to take 3 other housemates. " I told him.

"Okay, then pick 3 to come. "

"Why don't you. ? Your the one leaving. Who are you friends with. ?"I prayed he would not choose Alex.

"Okay, well, umm, Alex, Kennedy, and Bryan." Fuck.

"Great. I 'll go talk to Kenny and Bry about it, you talk to Alex about it. I'll be ready to leave for ice-cream in 40 minutes." He nodded and started talking to Alex about the plans.

I went in search of Bryan, finding him talking to Martin and Paul.

"Hey Guys. Bry, I have to drive Sam to the airport in like an 2 hours. He wants to know if you'll come with."

"Yeah, of course I will. Just come find me when you guys have to leave. "

"Thanks, Bry" I walked away looking for Kenny.

I found him alone in his room.

"Hey Ken. ?"

"Hmm. ?"

"In like 2 hours can you come with to drop Same off at the Airport. ? He wants you Kenny and Alex to come."

"Yeah, sure. Can you handle being in the same car as Alex right now. ?"

"Well, it doesn't matter. I have to do it for Same." I said. He nodded and I walked into my room, grabbing gray shorts, and a gray Hollister hoodie. I quickly [url=[/url] and slipped on my gray HiTops. I brushed through my hair again, putting it into a neat ponytail. I went and put a mascara, eyeliner, and gray eyeshadow on. I put my glasses on. I put my wallet into my backpocket and grabbed a box that I was going to ship to Sam for his birthday. I walked upstairs, grabbed the keys and went and got Sam. He drove since I couldn't. When we pulled into a local ice cream parlor i handed him the box.

"What is this Kay. ?"

"Your birthday present silly. Your birthday is tomorrow."

He smiled and opened the box. Inside was a scrapbook of us growing up. From when we were in Boston to Tempe to Baltimore to Bradenton. It was all in there. There were some pictures of us hanging out with the guys too.

He looked up at me Smiling. "Kay, this is beautiful. Thank you. It means a lot." He said.

"Really. ?"

"Yes. " I smiled back at him.

"There's something else in there too."

He went through the box, producing a ticket. He looked up confused and read it out loud.

Dear Same, I know how much you love Linkin Park. You always did. That's why if you go to the apartment I share with my friends and look in my room, you will find a guitar, signed by all the members, past and present. Happy Birthday Big Brother. Love Kanitha.

He looked up at me. "How did you get all the members to sign it. ?!"

"I have my ways Bro."

"I love you Kay."

"I love you too Same."

We got out and got the ice cream, then went and sat in the park across the street.

"So Kay, What's up with you and Alex. ?"

I sighed. I told him what I told Kenny earlier.

"So you really like him don't you. ?"


"I think you still like him. Your just telling yourself your over him."

"You might be right Sam."

"I'm always right. But how do you know he doesn't like you. ?"

"By all the mixed signals."

"He does like you Kay. Just by the way he looks at you, you can tell."

I sighed. "I don't know Sam."

We sat there and talked for another 20 minutes. Then we drove back to the house, loading his suitcases. I got Kenny and Bryan and told the head camera dude that we were going. Alex drove with Bryan in the passenger seat. I sat in between Kenny and Sam.

We talked a lot in the 30 minutes it took to get to the airport in Santa Monica.We walked with Sam until he got to the security gates. I started to get teary eyed. He said "see you later" to each of the guys first. Then he turned to me. He gave me a big hug.

"Don't worry Kay. I'll be back. It's not good bye. It's See You Later. Good byes are final. This is not final."

"I know Sam. I love you Same Duong."

"I love you too Kanitha Duong. See you soon." I waved to him as he went through security, finally out of sight.

Kenny put his arm around me as we walked out of the airport and into the car, driving back to the house. I could see Alex sneaking glances at me in the rear view mirror, but i ignored it. I laid my head on Kenny's shoulder as he comforted me, for my brother going back into combat tomorrow, and the fact that I was soo confused about Alex.

Everybody was still there. Partying again. They were leaving tomorrow morning soo I went and said 'see you later' and give hugs to everyone. They were all sad to see that i was going to bed early, but I wasn't really in the partying mood. Saying 'see you later' to the band guys was always a little harder. I said see you later to all of them, hugging them and promising that I'd visit them after my stay here, holding back tears. I went to my room, changed, and crawled into bed. It was still a little early so I listened to my IPod. I fell asleep a couple hours later listening to Lullabies from ATL.


The next morning, I look over at the clock on my nightstand. 11:21. I actually slept in late. I guess it was guess I was so sad. Everyone was on their way home by now. Sam has been back in combat since 5 this morning. Apparently it was urgent. There were a lot of bombings recently and it getting more dangerous out there.. I walked downstairs, everybody was already awake. I saw Alex walk out of the phone room.

"Perfect timing. Phone's for you. Your Aunt and Mom."

I walked into the phone room and picked up the phone.

"Hello. ? "

"Kay. ? It's Aunt Paula and Mom." There were sobs on the other end. I'm guessing they were on speakerphone since both of them were talking.

"Aunt Paula. ? Mom. ? What's wrong. ?"

"He died." There was sobs again.

That sentence broke me. I didn't know exactly who "he" was but it was someone close. My stomach dropped. Aunt Paula. Her son, my cousin, Kyle was also in the Military. Me and Kyle were close. What if it was him. ? Or what if it was Sam. ? Or anyone else in the family. ?

"Who's he. ?" My voice cracked.

"Your cousin Kyle."

And that's when I started crying.