Status: Contest entry.

Cigarette Kisses

I've got those love-sick blues, 'cause I sold my soul to the devil.

His dark brown irises gleamed with adoration and wonder as he gazed amorously at his beloved. Her chestnut locks hung at waves just below her frail shoulders. Her plump, rose lips curved into a smirk, so desperately begging to be ravished by his own. Her eyes, oh those beautiful hazel eyes, sprinkled with specks of gold and green, made his heart thump unevenly whenever he looked into them. She was absolutely breathtaking. And she was all his.

“Carolina,” he breathed happily as she sauntered towards him; his eyes intently watching every movement of her long legs.

“Nicholas,” she answered less enthusiastically. Her body collided with his own and he grinned foolishly, relishing in the feeling of her soft hands running through his untidy, dark brown locks. His heart thrummed frantically against his chest as her lips inched closer towards his. A euphoric feeling spread throughout his entire body and warmed him to the core when their lips connected. They moved in sync, and fit together perfectly as if made for one another. A small groan emitted from Nicholas' throat as Carolina's teeth grazed his lower lip.

He could smell the slightest trace of nicotine and booze on her warm breath, and that made her even more irresistible. A small, feral growl escaped Nicholas' lips as he wrapped his strong arms tightly around her waist, trying to pull her closer against him.

She smirked, knowing perfectly that she had him wrapped around her little finger. Her lips traced the contours of his jaw, and then ran along his neck. Her smirk grew even wider when she felt him shiver against her body.

“Baby,” she whispered seductively, her warm breath sending chills of delight throughout his body. “I need some money.” Her soft fingers gently caressed the nape of his neck, lightly twirling the soft baby hairs. The feeling was other-worldly.

He gulped, and then exhaled deeply. His mind couldn’t comprehend what was happening at that moment. His heart certainly couldn’t either. Nicholas could never concentrate when Carolina was around. She was so gentle, so loving, so beautiful. He was weak, silly putty in her delicate hands. And she liked to keep it that way.

“I-I-o-okay,” he stammered, closing his eyes as her hand lightly trailed down his back.

Carolina grinned when her hand brushed against the smooth leather of his wallet. She pulled it from the back pocket of his jeans and stepped away from Nicholas quickly; her eyes greedily scanning the contents of it. She snatched a fifty dollar bill from it and threw it carelessly on the worn-down coffee table.

“Thanks, darling.” She gave a charming smile. She reached into her sequined, black clutch and pulled out a small plastic box. She sighed in content once she had the cancer-stick in her mouth; a small, silver object lighting the end of it.

“I’ll see you later, babe,” she said carelessly, blowing the cancerous smoke from her mouth.

“I love you,” Nicholas claimed, resisting the urge to cough as the hazy content coiled around him.

Carolina grinned maliciously as she held the cigarette between her fingers. “I know.” And with that, she walked out of the room and through the front door, failing to notice the sad frown that Nicholas wore daily. Not that she cared, though.