My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Twenty

Beth’s point of view

“Princess! I’ve missed you so much!” Dad exclaimed as Ryan and I walked through the door.

“I’ll be in my room,” I muttered and grabbed my bag and headed upstairs, straight past dad’s open arms. I slammed my door shut behind me and looked around my room. It was the same as I had left, exactly the same, nothing had been touched it seemed. I looked out of my room and expected to see the large oak tree that was between mine and Sam’s window. Sam, well Sam is the neighbours child, I hadn’t exactly spoken to him before, he seemed to keep his distance from me when I had gone to my old school. Anyway, when I had looked out of the window, I didn’t see the familiar oak, with my name carved into the branch nearest my window, no, it had gone. I pulled my window up and looked down shocked to see the stump of what used to me the old oak.

“They cut it down a month ago,” I jumped a little and looked across the small gap to see Sam stood at his window too.

“Why?” I asked shocked.

“Your dad had spoken to my parents and had said that you wasn’t coming home in a long time so they decided to cut it down as it was only there so that you couldn’t see into either of our rooms anyway,”

“Oh right,” Looks like dad was happy I was gone then…

“Are you back for good?” I looked up and him to see his shaggy blonde hair, fluttering around his head in the night’s cool breeze.

“Hopefully not. I had friends back at the boarding school,”

“You had friends here,”

“It just seems different. Anyway, I should get some sleep, I’m shattered,” I said with a small yawn.

“Same. Could we hang out or something tomorrow do you think?” Sam asked.

“Yeah sure,” I said with a small smile which he returned.

“Great, well I’ll see you tomorrow then,” He said and waved slightly.
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Short but i've got to sleep, so i might update this story tomorrow =]...
Love Figgles...
Chapter Dedicated To Mrs Bryar And Mogo