My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Twenty Two

General point of view

It’d been a week since Beth had gone home and she’d started hanging around more and more with Sam. However, back at the boarding school, drama was unfolding behind closed doors.

Beki collapsed back on her bed. She was shattered as she hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before. It was like she had insomnia and she was finding it extremely difficult to sleep because of all the thoughts running through her head. She didn’t even have Lauren to talk to as she was staying in Debbie’s room whilst Beth was gone so she was all alone. She was startled when she heard a soft rapping at the door but got up none the less as she thought it might be Mikey. Answering the door she was surprised to see Mr Benson stood there with that same smirk plastered on his lips.

Beki’s point of view

I felt uncomfortable to say the least as I answered the door and saw Mr Benson. He looked me up and down a second and I suddenly felt stupid in my pyjamas that had a liquorish all sorts pattern on them.

“Err, hi sir,” I said confused at why he was here; teachers didn’t usually come to your room unless you were being too noisy or if they were checking on the cleanliness of it.

“Can I come in?” He asked before stepping past me and into my room anyway. I shut the door behind him and turned around to find him sat on my bed.

“Sit,” He ordered and patted the spot beside himself.

“Have I done something wrong?” I asked worried and sat where he had told me.

“No,” He replied simply and stared at me. I shifted awkwardly in my seat.

“Why are you here then?” I asked and my face contorted in confusion. He grabbed my chin in his hand and turned my head forcefully to look at him.

“Because you really are a beautiful young lady.” He said in a sickly sweet voice before crashing his lips onto mine. However I just sat there shocked and motionless as his lips sloppily moved over mine. Soon enough, I realised what was happening and I pushed him off of me. I stood up and moved away from him only for him to follow me.

“Sir, what are you doing?” I asked shakily as my back hit the wall. He put his hands on either side of my body, to stop me from moving. I was terrified to be honest. I’d never been in this situation before, well with Mikey I have been, but we were both messing around.

“Shhh,” He hushed before attacking my neck with his lips.

“Sir stop,” I tried to demand but it came out as a weak scared whisper. He ignored me and his hands attacked and groped my body whilst his lips roughly smothered my own and then he forced his tongue down my throat. I squirmed and tried to wiggle out of his grasp as tears came to my eyes but he was too strong so I banged my fists to try and get someone’s attention in another room. He pulled off of me with dark eyes.

“Don’t make a sound,” He threatened harshly and put his hand to my throat. I whimpered even more as his hand started to cut off my air supply.
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Only short, but you get the idea =]. Comments will make me update quicker =].