My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Twenty Three

Abi’s point of view

I rolled over and groaned when I heard urgent banging on the door. I looked over to see Bob was still sleeping soundly. Yeah, I know, we’re not meant to share rooms, but who gives a fuck? We’re in love! So anyway, I pulled myself out of bed and flicked the light on and opened the door.

“Beki? What’s wrong?” I asked her in a shocked whisper and pulled her into my room. I pulled her through and into the bathroom and groaned inwardly when I saw that the clock said it was 2am.

“Come on sweetie, what’s happened?” I asked her softly and sat her down on the toilet seat whilst she cried and sobbed hysterically. She choked every few minutes on the tears she was trying to hold back so that she could talk. I’ll be honest, she did look a mess, her hair was plastered to her face and her face was stained red from crying.

“Calm down,” I said softly and got her to start breathing more evenly.

“Now what’s happened?”

“Mr Benson,” She said and burst into tears again.

“What’s happened?” I asked again and knelt on the floor.

“He came to- to my room, and- and he was all over me,” She stuttered over some words and I couldn’t stop my mouth from falling agape slightly.

“What did he do Beki? Did he hurt you?” I asked with shock, anger and worry pulsing through my veins.

“He raped me.” She sobbed out. I stared at her. I was expecting her to say he’d kissed her or something, not that he’d raped her.

“Are you sure Beki?” I know that sounded like a stupid question to ask.

“Do you think I’m lying? He said you would think that,” She said with wide eyes.

“Oh no sweetie! I believe you, and we’ll go to the head tomorrow, I promise,” I rushed out.

“No! We can’t! She’ll believe a respected teacher over me and he won’t do it again,” I couldn’t believe she was making excuses, I couldn’t even try and imagine what she was going through at that moment.

“Beki, he might do it again, you don’t know if he will or not. Were you a virgin?” She nodded her head slightly.

"It’s illegal and he's sick in the head Beki. He should go to prison,” I stopped when there was a slight knock on the door.

“Is everything okay in there?” I heard Bob’s worried voice ask.

“Don’t mention anything, please,” Beki pleaded. I nodded and opened the door to Bob.

“Yeah, she’s just a bit upset,” I said to him softly. He looked at Beki with worried eyes but nodded and went back to bed.

“Come on, you can sleep here the night. I was sharing a bed with Bob anyway,” I said softly and pulled Beki up and into a hug.

“Thank you,” She sniffled out. I nodded and lead her through and let her settle into the spare bed. I got back into bed with Bob and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“What’s going on?” He asked me in a whisper.

“It’s not my place to say,” I answered and pecked his nose. It was hard getting to sleep that night, I could constantly hear Beki crying to herself under the covers.
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Last update for today. And sorry if the supply teacher in Art tomorrow rapes you in the store cupboard Beki =|... don't blame me if it happens! Blame Mr Needs! It's his fault he left us to go Skiing for the week!