My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Twenty Four

Beki’s point of view

I was sat on my bathroom floor shaking slightly. I was holding my knees to my chest. Last night kept replaying in my mind, it was horrible, that’s why I was sat on my bathroom floor because my bed is where it had happened. I had left Abi’s room before she had woken up as I felt bad for intruding on her and Bob. I jumped slightly when there was a knock at the door and I heard faint talking. They probably thought I wasn’t in as they soon walked off and my phone started ringing.

Beth’s point of view

Sam and I were sat on the grassy banks that looked over the Las Vegas strip. It was about 9 in the afternoon so it was dark already considering it was still winter. All of the glowing lights looked beautiful under the black blanket of a sky, which had stars decorating it. There was a cold wind, which is why there were no clouds, but that also meant that it was very cold so I was sat extremely close to Sam.

“Are you definitely going back to the boarding school?” He asked with sadness in his voice.

“Yeah I think so,”

“Do you have to?” I looked up at him to see him looking out at the strip.

“I have friends there,” I said with a sigh and looked up at him again as he looked down at me. At the moment, there was one person I was completely forgetting about, Ray. Naturally, we leant closer and our lips were barely touching when my phone started shrieking from within my pocket. We both jerked away and I heard Sam sigh before I answered my phone.

“Oh my god Beth we have such a problem here right now? When are you coming back? It’s urgent!” Abi rambled on.

“What are you on about Abi?” I asked with a sigh.

“Beth we have such a huge thing that’s happened and Beki won’t tell anyone! I had to beg her to let me tell you!” Abi nearly yelled at me.

“What? What’s happened?” I looked from the strip to Sam to see he was watching me.

“You remember Mr Benson? The new art teacher?”

“The creepy one?”

“Yeah, well he went up to Beki’s room the other night and well, he hurt her,” She said more quietly now. My face contorted slightly in confusion.

“What do you mean ‘hurt her’? He’s a teacher, he can’t hur-”

“He raped her!” She yelled in a hushed voice, cutting me off.

“He raped her?” I repeated in disbelief and saw Sam’s eyes widen.

“Yeah, last night,”

“Well how is she? Has she told Mikey? You need to ring the police,” I said rushed as worry filled my body.

“She’s shaken and she won’t come out of her room. We’ll knock on her door but won’t answer it and I don’t exactly want to just walk in there but teachers are going to start getting suspicious that she’s truanting soon if she doesn’t go to lessons. She hasn’t told Mikey, only you, her and me know and she won’t ring the police or tell Mrs Johnson. I’ve tried telling her but it’s useless,” Abi sounded close to tears.

“I’ll ask my dad and I’ll try and get him to bring me back. I’ll ring you tomorrow to tell you what’s happening. Try and get her to tell Mikey and if any teachers ask, just say she’s feeling really ill,” I said quickly.

“Okay, bye,”

“Bye,” I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket.

“Is your friend okay?” Sam asked as we both stood up, grabbed our things and rushed back in the direction of our houses.
“I hope so. I really do,” I said with a sad sigh. I never thought this would be the kind of thing that’d happen to someone so close to me.
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Tada! Crappy but that's as good as it's going to get for tonight because i feel like shit =].