My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Twenty Six

Beki’s Point Of View

I hadn’t been to any of my classes in two weeks. Abi kept coming in and telling me that it wasn’t healthy for me and that I needed to tell someone about what had happened. I refused. Sleeping my bed was a no go so I had been sleeping in the chair in the corner of my side of the room, I’ve got to say though, that is not the best idea as you wake up with a crick in your neck every morning. A slight knock on my door made me look up from staring at the wooden floor. The picture covered door opened and I couldn’t even bring myself to smile when Mikey’s form appeared.

“Hey, are feeling better?” All the guys thought I was sick, as well as all of the teachers. He came over and pulled me out of the chair before sitting down in it himself and pulling me onto his lap.

“Fine,” I answered quietly. He went to kiss my neck as a sign of his affection but I moved away from his touch quickly. He tried again but I stood up abruptly. It was too much of a bad memory.

“What have I done wrong Beki?” Mikey asked me quietly as I turned and leant against the wall, away from him.

“Nothing,” I uttered and looked down at my hands. He stood up and tilted my chin up towards him before he leant forward and attempted to kiss me, except I pulled away again. He stared at me for a second in utter disbelief.

“I must have done something wrong for you to be acting this way,” Mikey muttered sounding annoyed.

“You’ve done nothing wrong Mikes,” I whispered.

“Well are you cheating on me or something then? Beki, I haven’t seen you in days and now you won’t let me even kiss you!” He exclaimed.

“I would never cheat on you Mikey, I just don’t want to talk about it,” Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes and I was fighting so hard to hold them back.

“Well I do!” He yelled just as my room door opened to reveal Abi.

“What the hell Mikey?” Abi asked with raised eyebrows.

“I want answers now,” He said angrily.

“You two have been so secretive these last few weeks and me and the guys are sick of it! Beki won’t even let me kiss her and Beth hasn’t even called Ray once in the last week!” Mikey added and flailed his arms around.

“Yeah well we have our reasons,” Abi muttered. She came to my side and put her arm around my waist.

“What could be so important that you can’t tell us,” He hissed annoyed. A tear slipped from my eye. I’d never seen Mikey like this before, not even when he’d had fights with Gerard.

“I was raped,” I whispered and couldn’t bear to look up from the floor as Abi’s grip tightened around my waist.
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Ah i haven't updated since February, i'm so sorry O.O
Please forgive me.

Comments would be lovely still though hehe.
Oh and check out my new story Note To Self maybe?
Much love :]