My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Three

“So this is your room?” I asked as we stepped into the red and black room.
“Yep, this sides mine, the other side is my friend Debbie’s.”
“Cool.” I looked at the wall, which her bed was against to see it covered with loads of band posters whilst her friend’s wall was empty except for a few photographs, which had been stuck onto it.
“Come on then, sit down.” She said laughing and pulling me down onto her bed with her.
Her laugh was really sweet and giggly and it just made me smile so much.
“So how come you’re not hanging out with your friends then?” I asked her and pulled my legs onto the bed and sat crossed legged.
She sighed and leaned back against the wall.
“Well Debbie’s with her boyfriend and I just didn’t want to hang out with my other two friends.”
“Okay, well if you want me to go just say.”
“Of course I don’t want you to go!” She exclaimed and hugged me slightly.
I smiled and hugged her back just as she had done me.

After a while of talking, we decided to watch a film so she had put some creepy thriller.
I looked over at her to see her staring at the screen intently.
It was one of those parts of the film when its quiet but it’s too quiet.
I grabbed her arm suddenly and shouted her name, making her scream and jump.
I burst into hysterics.
“That was not funny!” She exclaimed and lunged at me.
She tried to pin me down but with myself being two years older and a lot stronger, I was able to flip her over so that I was the one pinning her down.
“No fair.” She complained.
I had my hands just above her shoulders to keep myself propped up whilst my knees were on either side of her waist.
I looked down at her face and couldn’t help but to see how beautiful she was with her contagious smile, glittering brown eyes and the way her chocolate brown hair spread out underneath her head from where she was lying beneath my body.
“I don’t play fair.” I said smirking down at her.
She looked up into my eyes and I looked down into hers and before I knew what I was doing I had pressed my lips against her soft ones.
I pulled away from her and looked back down again to see her smiling slightly.
“Sorry.” I mumbled and was about to get off of her when she grabbed the front of my band T-shirt and pulled me back down to her lips.
“Don’t be.” She whispered with my lips inches from her own.
She leant forward and kissed me.
I deepened the kiss and leant her back against the soft bedding with her arms now around my neck.
When the door opened, we both sat up in surprise, which caused me to fall off her and onto the floor with a thud.
We both burst out laughing and she jumped off of the bed to help me up.
Once we were both stood up we turned to see a girl with brown hair stood in the doorway.
“Well I’m seriously not going to ask.” The girl, who I’m guessing was Debbie, said and then walked past us, turned the film off and then sat on her bed.
“Um I best get going, do you want to hang out tomorrow or some thing?” I asked her quietly, feeling awkward now that her friend was there and watching us like a hawk from her bed.
“Yeah sure, what room you in?” She went up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek lightly.
I glanced over at her friend and if looks could kill, at that moment I would have been dead.
“68. I’ll see you in the morning then.” We said good-bye and then I left their room and headed down to mine.
When I got to the boys dorms, I walked for a bit and then I finally got to the room I was sharing with Frank.
I knocked lightly and then opened the door, it sucked that we didn’t get to have locks on the doors but I guess it was so they could check up on us whenever they felt like it.
When I got into our room, Frank was in the bathroom so I just collapsed back on my bed thinking about Beth.
The bathroom door opened and Frank walked out wearing his boxers and a grey T-shirt with his hair wet, signifying he had just been in the shower.
As soon as he saw me, he grinned evilly.
“What?” I asked from my collapsed position on my bed.
“Nothing… have fun? Because you sure have been with her a long time today.” He winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes.
“We were just hanging out in her room Frank, nothing more, nothing less.” Well except for the kissing part but I wasn’t going to mention that, as I didn’t know if there was actually something going on between us or not.
“Hmm sure, what ever you say Toro. So how did you meet her?”
“In the summer holidays, her dad never picked her up so she was stuck here and we got talking about music and stuff.”
“Ah, so was it love at first site?” I gave him a look, which was basically telling him to get fucked. “Take that as a yes… how old is she then?”
“14, look I’m going in the shower.” I sighed and got off of the bed.
“Okay but don’t have any dirty thoughts in there.” He said just before I shut the bathroom door.