My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Five

I looked over at Debbie’s sleeping form in bed and then I looked at myself in the mirror, to make sure I looked all right.
After I had come out of the shower the night before, Debbie and I weren’t talking so I didn’t really want to see her today at all so it was a good thing I was going to see Ray.
It was only 10am so I was hoping he was up and awake.
I glanced at myself in the mirror one last time and then headed out the door. I had decided to put on some black skinny jeans and a black top covered in white polka dots.
I walked through all the girl’s dorms until I entered the boy’s dorms and then I started searching for 68.
It took me a while but in the end I found it and knocked on the door lightly. I heard some movement from inside and then the door opened to reveal a guy about my height with black hair, wearing only his boxers and grey T-shirt.
“Um, is Ray there?” Nerves were filling me, had I gotten the right room?
“Yeah, are you Beth?” I nodded my head and he smiled.
“Okay then, I’m Frank. Come on in and I’ll wake him up for you.”
“Oh no, if he’s not awake I’ll come back later.”
“Nah come on in, he needs to get his lazy ass out of bed anyway.” He said happily and then dragged me into their room.
I looked around to see the walls covered in posters and clothes thrown on the floor and then there was a guitar and the end of each bed and one of them said ‘Pansy’ on it.
“Take a seat.” He said and pointed over to his bed, which still hadn’t been made.
I sat down and watched as he went over to Ray’s sleeping form and gentle began to shake him.
Ray, who was sleeping face down with his face turned towards the wall, started to stir.
“Come on sleeping beauty, there’s a pretty princess who wants to see you.” Frank cooed in his ear.
“How many times do I have to tell you Frank? You are not my fucking princess.” He mumbled tiredly.
“Not me you fucktard, I’m on about Beth.”
“Huh?” He mumbled and turned over to face Frank and then saw me behind him sat on his bed.
“Oh right.” He muttered and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
I couldn’t help but to smile, as he looked so sweet and innocent when tired.
“Come on then! Get up, get up, get up!” Frank exclaimed and jumped on top of him.
Ray groaned and pushed Frank off of him and then pulled himself out of bed.
“How the hell did I get stuck with you?” Ray asked Frank who just shrugged and smiled sweetly.
Ray turned to me and smiled.
“I’ll just go and get ready, I’ll be five minutes.” He was only wearing boxers so I couldn’t help to look at his body but I nodded anyway.
He grabbed some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom.
“So are you hanging out with us today?” Frank asked me and sat next to me on his bed.
“It’s up to you guys, I don’t want to intrude or anything.”
“Don’t worry, you won’t be and I’m sure Ray wants you to come with us.” There was a knock on the door so Frank opened it and then hugged the three guys who came in.
Their eyes automatically fell onto me as they sat on Ray’s bed.
“Beth this is Bob,” he pointed to the guy with shaggy blonde hair, “Mikey,” he pointed to the guy with sandy brown hair, “and Gerard who is also my boyfriend.”
He said referring to the guy with shoulder length black hair.
I nodded shyly and fiddled with my hands.
“So are you coming out with us?” Mikey asked me.
“Yeah she is.” Frank answered before I could even open my mouth.