My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Six

Ray’s Point Of View

“This is Beki,” Beth pointed to the girl with copper-ish hair, “and Lauren.” She pointed to the girl with short blonde hair.
“Hi.” I said and smiled.
Lauren looked down at Beth’s and mine’s entwined fingers.
“I take it you’re Ray then.” Lauren muttered.
I nodded my head and Beth looked coldly at her.
“Have you been talking to Debbie?”
“Yeah and just so you know, I’m on your side.” Beki said quickly.
“And I take it you agree with Debbie.” Lauren nodded and Beth sighed angrily.
“Well I’m hanging out with Ray and his friends today so I’ll see you tonight probably.”
“Okay, have fun.” Beki said smiling before we turned and left.
Once we had left the canteen we went back down to my room to find the guys and get some money for the cinema.
“Beth how come your friends don’t like me?” I asked her just before we reached my room.
“Debbie and Lauren are just being bitches so ignore them.”

I sat between Beth and Frank whilst watching the film.
Suddenly something jumped out and Beth clung onto my hand tightly making me smile.
I looked at her in the darkness of the cinema and let go of her hand and put my arm around her.
She smiled and leant her head against me contently.
I looked at her and kissed her lightly on the lips but Frank nudged me in the ribs.
“Where’s my kiss?” He whispered.
I rolled my eyes at him.
“That’s what Gerard’s here for.” I whispered back.
“Oh yeah, I forgot.” I rolled my eyes as he lunged at Gerard who was in the seat next to him and they started kissing.