My Boarding School Romance. Not so Perfect After All.

Chapter Eight

We were lying on her bed, whispering quietly whilst Debbie, Beki and Lauren gossiped about some girl who apparently slept with a lad in my year.
I played with Beth’s fingers gently whilst she softly told me about her family and why she was actually in this place.
A knock at the door made us both glance at the three girls on Debbie’s bed.
“Well if you’re not going to move, I’ll get it.” Lauren huffed and pulled herself off of the bed.
We both watched as Lauren opened the door to reveal a lad with shaggy brown hair.
“Hiya Lauren.”
“Hey.” She muttered and went over to the bed.
The lad came in and shut the door behind him and then his eyes settled on me.
“You never told me you had a boyfriend.” He said to Beth who shrugged.
“You never asked. Plus you’re too hung up on Debbie to talk to me anymore.” I was pretty shocked at Beth’s spiteful tone but then again I didn’t know the past she had had with this guy.
He rolled his eyes and went over to the bed and kissed Debbie so I was guessing he was her boyfriend.
“So what’s your name?” He asked me, whilst he pulled Debbie into his lap.
“Ray, you?” I already knew his name though, he was one of the guys that picked on Frank and Gerard for being gay.
“Danny. Aren’t you friends with those two fags?” I sighed angrily.
“They have names you know.” I watched as he just smirked at me.
“I’m quite surprised that you’re not a fag yourself actually.” Debbie giggled from his lap whilst I scowled at him.
“Danny, shut up.” Beth growled and held my hand tighter.
“Seriously though, I thought you had better taste Beth.” I watched as Beth shot daggers at him and then got up and pulled me out of the room with her.
Once we were outside of the room I could hear Beki yell at them and I’m quite sure I heard someone slap another person.
“I’m sorry about them baby.” Beth said looking like she was about to burst into tears.
I pulled her into a hug and kissed her neck lightly.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” I carried on leaving small kisses on her neck, causing her to smile that sweet smile of hers.