The Color of Peace

Glitch's Issue

(pt. 1) Glitch’s Issue.
It was January... the seventeenth... And Glitch (aka Derek, but we’re calling him Glitch this week) was walking his dog, Larz. “This is outrageous!” he ranted to Larz, who was smelling the sidewalk the way dogs tend to smell sidewalks. “I’m not gonna stand for this! This is the last time Travis steps all over me like this! I’m putting my foot down!” With this, he stomped his foot, which he was putting down. “OW!” he yelled. He limped away with Larz, who was now wagging his tail like a happy dog tends to wag its tail.
Why was Glitch upset? Is that what you’re wondering? No? Well, you should be wondering about that. Anyway, I shall tell you why Glitch and Travis are not on good terms right now. First off, Travis is Glitch’s band mate and best friend. They’ve been best friends for years. But lately, Travis has been ditching Glitching (just kidding) Glitch for his girlfriend. Not Travis’s girlfriend, but Glitch’s girlfriend. This made Glitch very very angry, so angry that he had run out of people to rant to. That’s why we’re now here, with Glitch ranting and raving at his dog. Now that you know what’s going on, back to the story.
When Glitch got home, he sighed and whined and complained to his other dog, Pug-my-licious, because he had ranted Larz out. Like, seriously. The poor thing passed out because he wouldn’t shut up. But even Pug-my-licious, who was very patient with him, got bored and left. Glitch was laying lifelessly on the couch for what seemed hours after that... when a knock came at his door. He stood up and asked himself,”Who could this be?” When he got to the door, he looked through the peephole to see who it was; this is what he saw through it: Two blonde heads and a brown, curly haired head. “Hm.” He opened the door and, to his surprise, it was the three cool kids from last story. (If you don’t know who I’m talking about, refer back to That Derek Bloom Story, Thatt Derekk Bloomm Storyy, and Thattt Derekkk Bloommm Storyyy) He hesitantly opened the door and answered,”Hello?”
Lorenzo stepped up to Glitch first; he held out his hand to shake the latter’s. Glitch took his hand, and Lorenzo shook his arm violently. “Long time no talk, bud!” he said, moving Glitch aside with his elbow and entering his house. “Uh-” he started, but was interrupted when Rehtaeh also shoved him aside and sat next to Lorenzo on Glitch’s couch. Glitch turned to Shelby, who was still just sort of standing outside the door. They stared at each other awkwardly for a minute or two. Finally, though, Lorenzo coughed loudly and obnoxiously and broke the awkward staring. So, Shelby walked in and sat on the floor next to Larz (who was still passed out) and started talking to him. Glitch walked back in and asked,”Uh.. Do you guys want anything to drink? Like... Dr. Pepper or chocolate milk or apple juice or... something?” Rehtaeh quickly said,”Dr. Pepper, please!” Shelby thought for a second. “Hmm, I’m all set. But thank you, Derek.” Glitch looked at Lorenzo and waited for him to answer. He scratched his invisible Gandalf beard, and finally answered,”I’d LOVE some chocolate milk. But I’m extremely vegan, so there’s no way I could ever have any.” There was a long silence after he said this... until Rehtaeh replied,”Since WHEN have you been vegan?” He shrugged. “Since Shelby said she wanted to be vegan. She must like vegan dudes, right?” Shelby rolled her eyes and said,”He’ll have some chocolate milk.” He looked at her. ”Why don’t you want me to be vegan?” She shrugged. “I don’t really have a thing for vegan guys.” Lorenzo giggled and Rehtaeh looked around like ‘uh’. And Glitch walked into the kitchen to get them some drinks.
“Uh, no offense you guys, but... why are you guys here?” he asked when he sat down in a chair across from the couch. Lorenzo motioned for him to wait, for he was drinking the chocolate milk. It took him a second to set it down, but when he was done (with a brown milk mustache above his lip) he said,”Well, I wanted to stare at you.” Another silence. “What?” They all shrugged. “We were in town, so we decided to stop by,” Shelby said. Glitch thought for a second. “Wait, did you guys say you lived in Portland or Brooklyn?” They all shook their heads. “Neither! We moved to Venice!” Shelby cheered. “SHELBY!” Rehtaeh screamed,”You just told Lorenzo where we moved!” And yet another silence. “Venice, Florida,” Shelby said directly to Lorenzo. He nodded slowly and wrote ‘SHELBY LIVES IN VENICE, ITALY!!!’ on a piece of paper and then put it in his pocket. Shelby and Rehtaeh stared at each other scared, then continued their conversation with Glitch. “So how’s life?” the two girls asked. Glitch sighed, and decided he would tell them about his ‘problem’ with Travis.