Jealous Minds Think Alike

There's nothing new to talk about

-Stephens Point of View-

All eyes were on us. The couple whose lips were pressed together, on top of each other, with spilt food around them. I looked at her and she looked at me. Our faces grew red in embarrassment and our hearts pounded in our chest.

A lady carrying a huge red purse chuckled as she walked past us. “Young love...” She sighed dreamily, loud enough for us to hear. We scrambled to our feet.

“St-Stephen?” She placed a hand over her lips. I noticed that her pupils were now dilated as she took a step back. I could see she was trembling.

“What, you know me?”

This girl who seems so familiar....knows who I am?

I turned and fled the restaurant, running a careful distance. There was something about her that attracted me and my head hurt just thinking about it.


-Jaycees Point of View-

My co-worker skipped over to me, blushing like mad. She poked my shoulder and giggled. “Who was that cute guy?”

“Stephen Gomez....”

“Ooooh! A younger man!”

“You can't have him. He's taken.”

“Awww. That's too bad.” She pouted and walked away, fuming.

I touched my lips. They still felt warm from where Stephen had kissed me.

I kissed him! I kissed the boy of my dreams! He kissed me! It's a dream come true!

I was complete smitten. It was like kissing a celebrity crush.

In this case, it was Stephen.

“But that wouldn't be fair to John....”

“Jaycee!” Holly popped her head from behind a door. “There's some guy waiting for you at the back door. He looks just like Stephen and just as cute!”

What if it's Stephen again?

I ran past her and pulled open the door. Instead of Stephen, I saw John sitting down on piles of trash, staring at me through his ridiculous glasses with a goofy grin planted on his face.

My face fell. “Oh.”

John raised an eyebrow and stood up, knocking down some nearby cans. “Who were you expecting?”

I was about to say “Stephen” but I held back and shrugged.”What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to have lunch with you,” he shrugged. “When's your lunch break?”

“Not for a long time,” I frowned. “When did you get here anyway?”

“Well....I've been sitting on these germ infested bags for at least have an hour.”

“You came all the way over here, sitting on trash for half an hour, just so you could have lunch with me?” I was speechless and bit the inside of my lip, to hide my secret smile.


“'re an idiot,” He frowned. “However....I will reward your effort.” I gave him a sly grin. “You treat, my choice.”

“A hard bargain,” he sighs. “but I will accept.” He stopped suddenly. “Wait....that means...”

“You'll be waiting here for another hour and a half?”

“Crap!” John groaned and smacked his forehead. “I forgot about that!”

I chuckled as I turned away and started to get back inside.

“I'll just sit here and hope I don't catch some rare disease! Pray for me, Jaycee!” He called out.

“Um....good luck with that.” I laughed, closing the door behind him.

I won't tell him about the kiss....not yet.