When Morning Breaks

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
No sun shone on the barren land below, completely void of vegetation. In place of tree gnarled, jagged rocks extended upwards, pillar like, standing solitary. Reaching high into the dusky, cloudy sky. Miles of grey and black rock lay ahead, blanketed by a thick silver mist which shimmered violently, clouding anything beneath. An eerie, out of place blue light cast its glow on the domain, lighting up the deep, dark caverns below and glistened on the unusual ocean beyond the terrain. No one was in sight.
“It's so very……peaceful!!” a person muttered quietly, looking passed another out a large long window.
“I suppose!!” The swish of cloth and a clatter of chains was swiftly followed by the thud-thud of heavy boots on a polished marble surface. The footsteps echoed in the large hall. A small, scratching noise was also audible as chains and belts dragged along the floor. In one swift movement, accompanied by the flurry of black, the figure sat proud, cool and collected. A head raised, a shake of the hair and heavily shadowed eyelids opened, revealing deep red eyes. Crossing her legs and leaning back in the large chair, resting her head on a hand. The penetrating stare found its way to the window.
“Deygona!!” an important cry called out. “There's no need to worry. Where can they go?” The slim, small figure of Deygona slowly turned around. Her long white hair moved perfectly in motion with her as she turned to gaze upon the youth on front of her.
“Of course! Your right mistress!!” she said. Her voice was young and her figure was young but her face was sagging badly, wrinkles folded under her eyes showing her true age. Her eyes were completely white and she gazed slightly to the left of the figure.
“Why would they want to go?!” she smiled, a small crack could be heard behind the youthful tone. “I can sense them there!!”
“I suppose I'll take your word for it Deygona! Your eyes won't do me much good!” Deygona smiled a fond smile and despite herself so did the figure. Deygona's smile continued as she bowed, her long hair tickled the floor.
“I'll leave you be!” she said, obviously she sensed her eagerness to be alone. Quietly, she thanked the maid as she backed out of the room through the large doors. The young woman closed her eyes and massaged her temple, sighing loudly. Inside she knew that things wouldn’t return to normal till she picked up.
“How could he expect me to make a decision like that?!” Filled with a sudden surge of anger a swift arm movement was followed by a crash and the tumbling of rock from the arm of the throne as the woman stood up and walked into the middle of the hall. Silently she surveyed the empty foyer.
Large, long walls stretched up, they were made of a rough, harsh rock which wasn’t smooth but pointy like. The wall was crimson red and gave the impression that blood had been shed on the stone. Polished, black marble stretched along the floor, untarnished, pristine as if never stood upon. The empty room contained very little, a large platform rose higher across the room.
Sitting on it was the lonely throne, now with half the arm lying on the floor. It was composed entirely of an unusual black rock which seemed to ripple. This throne was incredibly special. Given to her by her father on the eve of her inheritance, it was her most valuable treasure. Taking nearly three thousand years to perfect, it was binded together by countless souls. Along the sides and back of the chair it was possible to see faces if examined closely enough.
Behind the throne and platform hung two long strands of material. They looked coarse, like lace but they moved with such ease they seemed almost like a liquid. The last content of the room was a large mirror beside the youth, this drew her attention last.
The mirror stretched ten feet high; it reflected the empty room and the lonesome woman staring at it. She stood, five foot nine and a half. She gave the impression of being eighteen, her jet black hair appeared short but it stretched in a long thin ponytail along her back and fell like a veil over her eyes. Her skin was unnaturally pale and she wore dark make-up. Black lipstick, heavy eyeliner and dark eye shadow accompanied by the matching black nail polish. Her clothes were hidden under a long, heavy black coat which dragged along the ground as she walked. Chains and belts covered it, leaving hardly any gaps in the clothing. The constant din of buckles banging off each other with every footstep was accompanied by the loud thudding of the heavy black boots she wore. She finished examining her reflection in the mirror and nodded approvingly.
“Hello Felony!!” she said to the woman in the mirror. Her reflection bowed.
And to you…Felony! Or is it mistress? The doppelganger straightened and gazed defiantly. I understand that’s what your subjects call you! What? Did daddy force that to happen too?! One thing about this mirror was that it seemed to show your inner-self, a private you. Someone who spoke how you truly felt but it wasn’t possible to hear what others images said. It was a perfect object to use when you felt confused about a decision, it never lied to you like your heart did. As Felony examined her likeness she noticed the door behind her open. A small creature scuttled in.
“Meestresss!!” it said in a horrid, crackled tone. Felony looked down and saw the figure. Long spines extended from its hunched back and its claws dragged along the floor. Upon its head were two large pointed, bat like ears and two rows of small horns. Its face looked squashed and it gave the expression of being in pain. It's snout like nose was too large for it and its small beady were too close together. It was an extremely ugly creature! It wore no clothes revealing its green skin which appeared too large for the small frame.
“Yes?!” Felony was so used to ugly creatures by now that his appearance didn’t faze her.
“Lotses of people’s meestris!!! Yes, lotses of souls be weeshing to entering!”
“Entering what?!” The foot high figure looked up, his black eyes wide.
“The castles meestress!!! They is weeshing to be entering the castles. All says, they says that is baaad outsides, it worsens they says, yes they says!!” She understood.
“How many?!” The thing shook its head.
“Too manys to be countings mestress!! They fills most of castles, yeses!! We hurts?!” Felony sighed, looked around and raised a hand.
“No! Allow them in! Let them fill the palace if they have to! Just don’t, under any circumstances, let anyone in my room!” The creatures’ eyes saddened.
“So’s…no hurtings?!”
“You will find, Kreeper, that I'm quite different from my father, so no! No hurting!” she stormed out of the room as Kreeper scurried passed and headed for the door. Not wanting to be there when hundreds of souls would fill the halls, Felony hurried towards her chambers which took up the whole top level.
It usually too a great amount of strength to push open the two large, heavy, metal doors that allowed entrance to the top floor but a wave of the hand did it for Felony.
The doors opened onto a large living quarters. Deep, rich, dark colours filled the room. Across the room a door lay hidden cleverly behind a veil of material. This door led to a room with a large bed underneath a large window. Large, stone dressers sat along the edge of the room. A large mirror with a dark pearl frame sat on one accompanied by many unusual ornaments and such.
Felony passed them, moving swiftly towards her bed and collapsed on the satin sheets. She ran her fingers through her hair and took long, loud breaths in and out. All this pressure, it just wasn’t right. A low knocking could be heard and she sat up in the bed.
“Go away!!” she cried out but the knocking persisted. Leaving the sanctity of her room she waved a hand and one of the doors opened slightly. A man ran swiftly but awkwardly in and bowed.
“What?!” Felony called to the creature, which raised his head slightly.
“Milady!!” He acknowledged. Felony sighed loudly and turned away.
“What now Claudis?!” Claudis straightened up and brushed his hand off his leg. Claudis had a long white beard which extended to his small potbelly. His eyes were weary but bright and two small horns extended from his tangle of white hair. He was shirtless so the small tuffs of grey curls on his chest were visible to Felony's constant horror. His legs were that of a grey goat and were bend slightly the wrong way making it difficult for him to walk properly. He always gave the impression that he was walking on hot coals and it didn’t help that his overly long tail constantly was tripping him up either.
“Your father sent me!” He informed the youth. Felony allowed a small laugh escaped her before turning to the creature.
“Always the barer of bad news! Aren't we Claudis?” Claudis bowed his head and smiled to himself.
“If mistress would like to think so!” His voice was filled with mockery and it angered Felony.
“What do you want Claudis?!” she repeated angrily. His eyes grew softer but he folded his arms.
“There's a matter of great impor…”
“…tance of which I must repeat to you again!!! I know this speech, Claudis!!” she said taking deep breaths. She gritted her teeth and turned to Claudis, grinning menacingly. “Ok!” the words were hard to hear through her clenched teeth. “You actually expect me to make this decision at such a young age?”
“I understand! But you must consider it; your eighteen-thousand birthday is coming up! This isn't a trivial matter and must be settled as soon as possible.” His voice was pleading but Felony dismissed it.
“Exactly! Eighteen?!!! That’s far too soon!!” Claudis sighed and threw his eyes up.
“Why must you curse me with this god-forsaken daughter of yours?!” he cried out loudly. Following his example Felony gazed at the ceiling.
“Why are we looking up?!” she whispered to Claudis who sighed, folded his hands behind his back and began to pace. The clip-clop of his hoofs following every step.
“He's at a meeting!” He informed. “With…him!” Felony's eyes tore from the ceiling to face him.
“Ohhhh!! Right then!” she marched along the black tiled of the foyer towards the shrouded door. Entering the room she collapsed into a heap on the satin sheets. Claudis looked down, negatively at her
“Mistress, might I suggest…”
“Ohh would you please just can it with the ‘mistress’ crap!” she jumped up on the bed. “And it's the same with my father? Milord! Prince of darkness! Tsh, what's so bad about saying Lucifer?!!” Claudis gasped loudly and gripped his chest as if about to have a heart attack. He backed away so swiftly that he tripped over his tail and fell to the ground.
“What?……how?…no-no-no!!! you can't say that!! You can't do that!!” He staggered to his feet, as he babbled he paced. “No-no-no-no-no-no!!! it just won't do! Your father deserves a higher level of respect…and from his daughter?!” His tone was disgusted and she flashed him a vicious glare.
“Well, tell daddy dear that when he decides to respect my decisions then I'll respect him!” Claudis opened and closed his mouth, not unlike a goldfish.
“How co……”
“Claudis, just go! Now!! And don’t come back till my father sees sense!”
“Just go!” Raising a hand, the bedroom door shut and bolted in his face, he had to leave now! Felony sighed loudly and ran her fingers through her dark hair. Gripping a chunk of the black locks, she began to bang her head off the pillow beneath.
“Stupid! Stupid!!” she hissed. A quick tapping could be heard and she growled. “Fuck off Claudis!!!!” she screamed loudly, it echoed in the room. The knocking continued and in one swift movement she was standing by the door and pulling it open.