When Morning Breaks

Chapter 10

Beneath the searching Felony and Draven ran along the underground tunnel. Draven ran ahead, he dragged Felony by the hand. Felony wasn’t as fast or nimble as her companion and staggered and fell much more than normal. Reaching the other end of the tunnel Felony begged Draven to check the coast was clear first. Draven denied her request.
“Regardless of whether they're there or not this is the only way!” he insisted. “Plus if I check and they are there then they’ll definitely see me and we'll have lost time. It's better just to run.” Felony nodded as Draven placed one hand against the rock. With the other he tightly gripped Felony's. Looking into her eyes he truly realized the fear that lay in them. Regardless of what he thought he knew earlier he finally understood. He couldn’t let her back there; he'd sacrifice himself before letting her back to that prison. ‘Felony, I love you! Just say it dammit!!’
“Draven, common!!!” Her eyes were filling with tears as she realized that this could be it. Emerging form that tunnel could mean going back and never seeing Draven again. Draven nodded and shoved himself into the exit. Both sprinted along the landscape. Draven felt a wave of relief, they weren’t being chased.
“Zsëa kietenfa ﮋ hirὅ Ṧtrghan!!!!! Zsëa kietenfa ﮋ hirὅ Ṧtrghan!!!” A gruff voice screamed out into the darkness.
“They’ve found us!!” Felony called out loudly. Draven began to run even faster, Felony stumbled and tripped over the large rocks. Hundreds upon hundreds of gargoyles, drudges and even the large fire-dragon emerged over the large mountainous terrain. They screamed out in war cry and began the chase. The five soldiers that held the dragon secure let go of the steel ties allowing the beast loose. It let out a loud bellow. Felony glanced over her shoulder to see the spectacle. In her moment of distraction she fell to the ground. Draven skid on the wet ground a bit and he turned back, pulling Felony up. She slipped again on the soaked ground.
“Draven go!” she yelled. “I don’t want you to get killed!”
“I'm not leaving you!” he pulled her up and began to run from the oncoming hoard. “I promise!! I promise!” he repeated as they staggered across the terrain. The gargoyles were stone based, slow movers. The drudges were as fast as any normal soul but too dense to understand the task they were to be accomplishing. The dragon however was swift; it flew over the two renegades.
Upon orders not to harm Felony, the dragon couldn’t attack just yet. Once the soldiers got a hold of them it was to deal with the traitor. However the foot soldiers weren’t having much luck. Gargoyles trudging through the landscape while drudges falling to the ground, unable to get up again. The area was against the two though. A large slope extended above, a cliff. Large rocks littered the overhang as Felony and Draven staggered up. Draven was running as fast as he could up the mount, Felony felt as if his arm was about to be pulled out of it's socket. She was near tears at the thought that all her hard work on escaping was to be in vain. As they climbed higher and higher the din behind grew louder and louder.
“They're gaining on us!!” Felony called out.
“Common! We can make it!!” He cried having no idea why he had said that. He had no idea where they were to go; he had no idea how to defend her, to keep her safe. “We can!! We can mak…” his arm flung out as he slipped a couple of inches. Rocks and pebbles fell from under his feet; they fell hundreds of feet below landing with a loud drip. A large ocean extended on front of them. The grey water of the large waves spattered high on the rocks in a violet manner while a blinding spray extended to the top of the cliff.
‘End of the line!’ Draven thought as he looked at the worried expression on Felony's face. She gazed down the cliff at the grey waters in all their fury. ‘I'm so sorry Felony! It's all my fault!!’ Draven turned to face the foes. He stationed himself in front of Felony, his arms stretched by his sides as if this simple gesture could protect her.
Felony gazed fearfully over his shoulder at the oncoming group. Her hand grasped Draven's and he looked over his shoulder. She leaned in, her lips brushed against his cheek and a sad smile accompanying it. She took a step back and Draven turned to face her, a confused look across his face. Felony's smile was bright; she shrugged and raised her hands from her sides.
“At least they can't get me now!” she grinned broader, it was still slightly sad.
“I'm free!” Her hands fell to her side and in one moment she fell back, right over the cliff. She was smiling as she did. Her long hair flowed in the wind as she fell.
“NOOOO!!!” Draven screamed loudly. Upon instinct the dragon swooped, attacking the man. Draven didn’t think, closing his eyes he screamed louder. This time in pain. Anguish filled his body as two large wings hasty sprouted from his back. His body cried out in torment as the two horns erupted from his head, tears came to his eyes but as soon as the unusually swift transformation was complete he jumped, just dodging the dragons advance. His wings helped him gain speed as he dived.
Within seconds he was greeted by a blast of icy water. Felony opened her eyes. She was immersed in the cold water which filled her lungs with icy water. She didn’t try to scream but the cold liquid filled her lungs all the same. Gazing up she saw a figure struggling to get to her, she found herself smiling slightly as she slipped even further away and blackened out. She was truly free!