When Morning Breaks

Chapter 2

There was nobody there. Not a soul standing in the room. The rapping could be heard behind her. Felony spun around to see a silhouette through the fog at her window. She rushed over and unlocked the clasps.
A burst of cold wind greeted her accompanied by a body tumbling in on top of her, forcing her to fall onto the bed. she opened her eyes to see a figure hunching over her, rubbing his head.
“Get off me!!” she hissed, kicking him onto the floor. The figure was stooped on the ground, his palms flat against the floor and he was panting. Small, painful grunts escaped him. Two large, black, skeletal wings extruded from his bare back. They shook like leaves in the wind as the individuals face tightened into a look of torment.
“Erugh!!” he bit back screams as loud breaths escaped. The wings shook even more. Slowly they reduced in size. Ripples surfaced in his skin from his shoulder blades as the wings disappeared. When they were gone he struggled to his feet. Staggering as if drunk, he turned to face Felony. A small smile escaped his tired face before he collapsed on the bed, right on top of her.
“Felony!!” he smiled. “Long…” a wince of pain. “long time no see!!”
“Draven!!” she exclaimed as his smiled disappeared and his eyes closed from exhaustion. Felony considered kicking him off her again but didn’t. He had just put himself through basic torture and apparently it was to see her.
“Draven!!” she repeated in a fond voice. She allowed her hand to stroke his bare back which was raw red, Draven winced as she did but didn’t say anything. A tender look came upon her face at the figure leaning on her. Draven was nineteen thousand, four hundred and thirty six years old. Not much older than herself. His messy black hair stuck up every which way and fell over his sparkling green eyes which were currently closed. At present he was shirtless, he wore black trousers which was covered with chains and large boots. A red and black tattoo was on his lower back. It was a twisted, complex design but served its purpose. It was a brand.
“Bloody wings!!” Draven pushed himself slowly up off Felony's legs. He swiftly lowered himself onto the bed and turned to face the youth.
“How's Mistress?!” he asked, a tired smile escaped him. Resisting temptation to hit him, Felony simply hugged him instead. Holding him gently, not wanting to hurt his back.
“Not the best!!” She smiled shyly, pulling away from him. “I'm sorry, things have just been pretty hectic lately!”
“You think you've got it bad?!” he flashed a cute grin and nodded back. “Try being half daemon!! It sucks!!” Draven was right in a sense, being the progeny of a daemon and a mortal had really taken its toll on him.
Draven's lineage was one frowned upon by most. His father was forced to live with his mistake but never once did he take it out on Draven who was obligatory to be branded with a tattoo on his back in order to inform people of his origins. Here it was a mortal sin to be of mixed genesis, half mortals were looked down upon, hated even. It was hard for people like Draven.
It was expected of Felony as a higher being to also detest the mutants but she didn’t. Her father, while not thinking it was an ideal situation, never stopped her from seeing her long time friend. Felony gazed, thoughtfully upon Draven's face. She raised a hand and ran a finger along one of the two large, twisted, grey horns that grew from his head.
“And these?!” she asked. Draven cast his eyes up.
“I can't! Not now anyways!” he didn’t sounded as tired and he didn’t seem to be in pain anymore. A bonus for Draven as a half daemon was that he was able to hide him daemonic appearance which was a quality no full daemon possessed. Draven looked back to the window.
“So what's going on?!” Felony was about to protest or to say that everything was fine, it couldn’t be better. That might work on some, not many and definitely not Draven. Felony sat up on her bed and leaned on the sill, gazing out the pane of glass into the silvery fog.
“That’s the problem, you know!” she muttered. “Being in charge! My father runs Hell and all they think about is torture, torture, torture!! Ohh, and selling souls, that’s important too.” A small laugh escaped her. “But in the underworld it's different! It's an emotional gateway. I have no privacy.” As vague as her words were Draven understood. Being the spawn of Satan had many downsides, constant supervision being one, not being able to leave the palace without an entourage following you, everyone knew everything about you and the worse she had just figured out. Draven moved over to the sill beside her. He looked upon her dreamy face.
“What's going on?!” he repeated. Felony gazed at him thoughtfully and took a breath in.
“The problem” she began “with being female is that I can't…truly be in charge. It has to be a male so……” her voice cracked and trailed off. “They…they're forcing me to get married to one of the higher beings!” Draven's expression was still.
“W-what?!” Felony ran her fingers through her hair.
“Marriage, matrimony, what's it matter what it is. The point is I don’t have a choice!!” Anger rose up in Felony. She clutched her hand into a fist and punched the bed. “The bastards!!!” she cried out in echo with thunder that crashed outside the window. Draven stuttered slightly before talking.
“Marriage!” a long slow breath followed. “As in I now pronounce you daemon and prisoner!” her tone was filled with anger and a tear ran down her face. Draven's arms stretched out and he gripped Felony, hugging her tightly, nuzzling his face into her neck. They sat silent till
“Ouch!!” One of Draven's horned got tangled in Felony’s hair. Draven turned and attempted to unknot the mesh.
“Sit still!” he told her, laughing slightly. Felony looked to him, their faces were close. More than once their foreheads bumped against each other. Draven's expression was serious as he tried to free them both.
“Ouch!” Felony cried again.
“Got it!!” he exclaimed happily, Felony shook her head as if to make sure. Her hair fell on her face, clouding her left eye. Draven smiled. “Let me get that!” he told her. His hand slid under her chin and he shoved the veil behind her ear. He allowed his hand to slowly run through her hair and rest on her shoulder. Another cute grin escaped him but they were interrupted as the door opened.
“Mistress, I understand where you’re coming from but I must insi……” Claudis's voice trailed away at the sight on front of him.
“Yes Claudis?!” Felony asked. She turned from Draven, her face was the picture of innocence. Claudis stuttered and spluttered as he gazed at the two youths in front of him.
“Wha……what's going on?!” Felony shrugged.
“Just talking!” Her deep red eyes penetrated his, her stare was cold and still. She gave an air of control and power which Claudis found intimidating.
“N-no, I must insist!! You…” he pointed to Draven. “G-get out!””
“Claudis!!” Felony yelled out but the creature was insistent. He forced Draven out of the room. Draven reluctantly began to leave, he looked back at Felony who mouthed I'm sorry. He just flashed a cute smirk and Claudis shoved him out of the room, shutting the door behind him.