When Morning Breaks

Chapter 4

Across the terrain similar emotions to Draven's rivaled. Felony sat, her forehead flat against the cold pane, her hot breath fogging up the glass with each mournful sigh.
“Draven!” she whimpered forlornly, gazing out onto the karst landscape. Confused feelings filled her body. Being an entity of little emotional experienced made it worse. An empty shell usually but not now. Felony's hand gripped her chest and she closed her eyes, allowing each breath to consume her being.
“What's happening to me?!” she whimpered as a tear ran slowly down her cheek. When she closed her eyes she could see Draven so clearly it was like he was there. She vividly remembered the feeling of him rubbing his face into her neck to comfort her or the serious expression on his face when untangling them both or the small smile that formed on the corner of his lips when he held her cheek and gazed into her eyes. A bubble welled up in her stomach and a warm sensation filled her yet she felt so sad, like some of her was missing. As she sat lost in thought the door opened, unbeknown to her.
“Ahem!!” Slowly Felony allowed her head to turn to see who was in the doorway. A man dressed in black and red stood on front of her. His black hair curled over his brow and red eyes. Two large horns broke from the mop of brown curls and his slightly pointed ears along with them. The figure looked rather elegant in a suave, stylish, sophisticated cloak and suit. He stood gracefully and gave an air of power much like Felony did but this was more authoritative. More mature than old, he gave the impression of a Shakespearean, romance hero. Whipping off the coat and throwing it over his shoulder he allowed his definite glared to fall upon Felony who bowed her head.
“Father!” she said quietly, without emotion. The devil sat on a chair across from his daughter. Claudis stood in the doorway, eager for the two to start communicating. Lucifer rested his hands on the arms of the chair and gazed out the window.
“So…This is what happens during my absence.”
“Well if it only happened during your absence then it would be happening all the time!” Felony's words were harsh. “I mean in all honesty, you’re never here!!” She was keen for her father to meet her defiant stare; her challenge wasn’t met as the man still gaped out the window. He ran a finger through his small, black goatee and curled it at the edge.
“Your still angry?!” Felony folded her arms and pouted.
“Well that’s an understatement!” Finally she achieved her wish of her father greeting her look but suddenly wished she didn’t. His eyes were cutting and made her feel weak, inferior!
“Felony!” His tone was impatient. “Regardless of what you claim to know…”
“Don’t you claim to know me!” Felony's gaze was defiant. “You claim you know what's best for me but…” her gaze traveled over to the door where Claudis stood. “…What are you doing here?!” she cried out towards him. Claudis's eyes broadened and he backed away slightly. “I thought it would be clear that I wouldn’t want to see you again!” Claudis looked to his master whose stare was still on his daughter.
“I see no reason why Claudis should leave!” He claimed. Felony gained some strength in her words and her voice shook less.
“No!” she insisted. “If you want to talk to me then Claudis leaves.” She turned to the window and gazed out. The rain had stopped but the sky was darker still and a long low rumble of thunder could be heard. Lucifer looked to his subordinate and waved a hand, dismissing him.
“Claudis, go!” He said quietly. Claudis looked disgusted but didn’t argue with the master as he did with his daughter. He valued himself too much. Slowly, he bowed his head and backed out of the room. Lucifer turned to Felony and sighed.
“Regardless of the fact that you think you know what's best …”
“And you do?!” anger rose and her hand began to shake. “You-You know?! How would you?! You’re never here!!” In a rustle of cloth, Felony's father stood over her. A red mark glistened on her cheek. A tear came to her eye, not form the stinging but from the shock.
“You hold your tongue!” her father hissed. She sat in shock, her hand caressing the place where her father hit her. Lucifer looked at her, his expression motionless, unmoving and unfeeling towards his daughter, his only child who was so unbelievably useless.
Turning from the astonished child on the bed, he marched towards the door. “You have no choice in the matter!” he exclaimed loudly. “The marriage will take place regardless of what you want or feel or believe!” Felony shook as the door slammed shut. Small fragments of rock fell from the ceiling above some hitting Felony on the head. She shook away the scree along with the tears in her eyes. She felt such resentment rise in her being. How dare he, how dare he force her. She just wanted to leave, to escape. Leave behind all the pressures of being the spawn of Satan, leave behind the horrible arranged marriages, just to leave. But how?