When Morning Breaks

Chapter 5

Lucifer left the room in a mood. His eyes were dangerous and not to be met. He didn’t glance at Claudis who sensed his masters’ disposition and bowed his head. Lucifer stormed passed the servant and towards the large stone doors. Waving a hand, the entrance opened with such force that it threatened to break.
Down the flight of stairs hundreds upon hundreds of souls glanced up. Looks of fear came into many an eye and all backed forcibly into each other to create a pathway for him to walk through. Many craned their necks to get a better look at him but he marched passed, not giving as much as a glance to any of them. Claudis followed swiftly, he couldn’t quite keep up with him as his tail kept tripping him up and his legs caused pain when he walked.
Lucifer’s stride brought him to the throne room which was occupied with thousands of souls, prisoners of the underworld. Upon realizing who had just entered the large, ugly, stone gargoyles sprung to life and forced everyone out of the room, causing less space in the halls. Lucifer stood in the room alone with only Claudis by his side. He glanced at the large throne on the other side of the room and walked over to it. Lowering himself into it, he laid a hand on the broken arm. The shattered rock which lay on the floor lifted and materialized into the chair, mending it. The throne sat, yet again in all its glory. Lucifer laid back and massaged his temple.
“Why must I be cursed with such a daughter?!” he said, his tone dripping with distaste and loathing. He opened an eye and looked to Claudis. “Claudis!” this one word was filled with more feeling than any for his daughter. “My friend! You've been with me since the beginning!” Claudis felt pride grow with the words. “I just……she…why couldn’t she have been male. Strong, independent, a leader!! It would save so much hassle and instead I get a useless daughter who's too stubborn to fulfill her duty to me!” Claudis nodded understandingly, only half listening to his masters’ words. His mind was elsewhere. “If only…” Lucifer continued. “If only she’d wed a fine daemon or something…or a chimera. A pure-breed or such, none of that half mortal crap. Someone who could take proper control of Hell and all the responsibility. Someone who’d make me proud to call him my son.” Claudis still nodded. “Someone like young Aiden, his father was part dragon and he's a fine young man. Or maybe someone older, with more experience. Like you Claudis!” Claudis looked up at these words. “Yes!!” Lucifer continued. “You, you would be older. Run Hell fine, keep torture going. And of course treat Felony well. I couldn’t have her mother coming back.”
“I thought you said her mother was dead?!” Claudis asked half-heartily. Lucifer laughed.
“Come now Claudis, I'd expect Felony to believe that but you?” his laugh grew louder as he stroked the chairs arm. “You can't die in Hell Claudis!!” he informed his old friend. “Where could you go?! No!! Felony's mother is somewhere she can't be found and can't get out of. But before she…left, she made me swear that Felony would be treated well, sealed in blood and all so I can't break it.” Lucifer closed his eyes and took a breath in. he ceased talking as Claudis looked to his left. An image returned his gaze.
Fancy yourself as the new Satan?! The likeness in the mirror grinned. King of Hell, ruler of torture and a beautiful younger wife! Claudis smiled as his doppelganger spoke. No one would ever pass you again. No longer in Lucifer's shadow. Once he hits one hundred thousand he has to retire, leaving his daughters spouse in charge. But that’ll take a long time, once he starts aging its one little accident and goodbye daddy dearest!! the image let out a menacing laugh and it took all of Claudis's control not to echo the joy. Opening his eyes, Lucifer stood up off the chair and walked down off the platform. His loud steps ricocheted off the walls snapping Claudis out of his daydream. Lucifer laid a hand on his friends shoulder and sighed.
“If only!” he whispered to himself, his hand fell from Claudis's shoulder and he walked towards the large doors. Claudis gave one last glance to the mirror and turned to follow Lucifer who was opening the large doors. On the other side of the entrance was a small woman who stood explaining to a large pillar beside the stone guard that it was with utmost importance that she must see the master.
“Deygona?!!” Lucifer addressed his daughters’ maid who turned and ran towards him.
“Master!!! Master!!” she cried out, gripping Claudis by the shoulders and shaking him. “Master it's horrible!” Lucifer laid a hand on Deygona's shoulder and led her away from Claudis whose eyes were filled with panic.
“What's horrible?!” The pure white eyes gazed into his face, a face never seen to her and never to be seen, tears filled the eyes.
“The mistress master!!! The mistress is gone!!!!”