When Morning Breaks

Chapter 6

In the top floor, in the top chambers a cold wind blew from a door which lay cleverly concealed behind a veil of material which fluttered in the breeze. In the room beyond the veil a large window lay open, posters torn off the wall soared about the space. They crunched as Claudis stood upon them and looked out the window at the knocked out guard below. A long rope of cloth extended down to the soil. A panic rose as four gargoyles searched the rooms and a large ice-dragon had been brought in to stand sanction at the large doors. Lucifer would have preferred a fire-dragon but to have one sent in from Hell was too much hassle. Lucifer himself stood by the door of his daughters’ room, gazing at the window. No sadness gripped his heart, no longing to see his daughter just a vile taste in his mouth.
“Stupid girl!!” he sighed loudly. “Find her!!! Find her quickly; we can't afford to loose her!!” Lucifer left the room in a hurry to get back to Hell. Claudis looked back at him and began to give orders to the guards as to how they should search.
Deygona's eyes streamed tears at the thoughts of the young girl gone. So unloved by her father, forced into everything, it must have become unbearable. Deygona had been the maid of the child since birth, she knew everything about Felony. Even things she didn’t know herself. She loved that child as if she was her own. Looking to the guards she considered telling them to find Draven and she’d probably be there but instead she clasped her hands together and called upon someone she never though she would.
Please god! She thought. Just let her be safe!
“Damn wind!” she heard Lucifer cry as the wind blew over a vase which just missed him.

It was easier that expected to leave the castle. Felony had thought of every possible route, after a long time she decided on the best. It would take a lot of strength but it would definitely work. She hand-knotted a long rope of sheets together, not wanting to waste her powers. After this she grabbed a black cloak and threw it over her shoulders. She opened the window with the rope by her side and lifted up a large rock that had fallen when her father had slammed the door. It was very heavy and difficult to lift with no enchantments. She aimed it over the guard that secured this part of the castle and dropped it. The sentry dropped, Felony hoped she didn’t kill him. Swiftly she lowered the rope, leaned out the window and waited. Not too long after, another guard came and saw his comrade on the ground. He ran to fetch others and it was one of these who noticed the rope and the window.
‘Not long now’ Felony told herself and as predicted the noise of someone attempting to open the doors to her chambers sounded. Felony closed her eyes and a feeling as if she was suddenly immersed in hot water came across her. It quickly left but she was breathless, this part was going to take all her strength. The bedroom doors opened and Deygona came in, she glanced around at the empty room and screamed. She ran quickly out of the room. Felony began to follow but two guards were placed on front of the doors and she heard that they were getting an ice-dragon in.
What was the point of being invisible if it was still possible to hit of people, making them aware of your presence? Soon the chambers was filled with people, even her father graced them with his presence. This point Felony began to feel weak with all the power she was consuming.
“Stupid girl!!” Lucifer sighed loudly. “Find her!!! Find her quickly; we can't afford to loose her!!” He left the room in a hurry to get back to Hell. Claudis looked back at him and began to give orders to the guards as to how they should search. Deygona's eyes streamed tears and she began to cry, clasping her hands together. Felony swiftly followed close behind her father, everyone always backed away from him. As he passed the ice-dragon she tripped over the heavy tail and hit off a table, a vase fell just missing her father.
“Damn wind!” he cried and strode down the hall. Felony followed him till he exited the palace altogether. She ran as fast as she could till darkness swallowed her.