When Morning Breaks

Chapter 7

She didn’t lift the charm, each step took much more energy than normal but still she wouldn’t allow herself to give in. She continued the sprint till she came to an area of the terrain which wasn’t flat and out in the open. Large rock surrounded the area, come curved and some artificial made in a way so that they provided shelter. Felony allowed the charm to break as she staggered into the protection of one of the shelters.
“Felony?!” a voice cried out in disbelief as she fell to the ground. The figure ran over and pulled her up, close to him.
“Long time no see!” she smiled meekly. “Draven!” Draven's expression was confused as he looked upon Felony's weary face. She closed her eyes and her face fell to the side, she entered a deep sleep. Draven shook his head. He began to shake her.
“No, Felony wake up!! Wake up Felony, tell me what's going on!!” his voice was pleading. Felony was never out of the palace without an escort; she was dressed in a black cloak and looked worse for the wear. He just knew something was wrong. He lifted her up and brought her further into the sanctuary where it wasn’t as cold. Laying her on the ground, he sat beside her, lay his head on his arms and watched her sleep.
Felony woke suddenly from her nightmare. She had dreamt that she was immersed in cold water which filled her lungs with the icy liquid. She tried to scream but the cold liquid muffled her cries. Gazing up she saw a figure struggling to get to her but they couldn’t, she tried to scream even louder as she slipped even further away and blacked out.
Now she lay on the cold ground, a large slab of rock hung above her and a cold wind blew. It was dark outside. It took Felony a moment to remember what had happened. She sat up and looked to her left, Draven lay on the ground asleep. She smiled brightly and stroked his black hair, he stirred slightly and she drew her hand away. Draven didn’t wake. Felony looked out of the shelter and sighed, they'd be looking for her. And somehow they'd find her. On this island there was nowhere to truly get away and it was no life trying to stay one step ahead all the time. What was she to do?
“Felony?!” Draven's moans could be heard as he stirred. He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair as Felony smiled.
“Yes?!” Draven looked at her as if only realizing she was really there.
“What-what are you doing here?!” he asked, his voice full of genuine concern. Felony kept glancing behind.
“They're looking for me!!” she said. “Everyone, I can sense them!!” she moved away from the outside, backing into the rock. “I-I ran away!!” she told him, “I just don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to have my life run for me, not anymore!” She rested her head against the cool rock, her back to Draven. A wave of relief came across the youths face as he gazes at his life long friend, she rebelled, she really didn’t want to be married. Felony turned to Draven, her eyes glistened boldly and a tear ran down her cheek.
“Draven…I have nowhere else to go.” Her tone was pleading. “Please, help me!!” her large eyes cut through Draven; he wanted just to hold her, to protect her. But before he could get the words out a sudden light broke the darkness, blinding them both.
“There here!!!!” she cried out in a whisper and looked to Draven. “Draven please!!!” Draven looked out; the hoard of searchers didn’t seem to see them. Suddenly he gripped her hand and slipped out through a large crack in the back of the sanctuary. The area behind the terrain was mostly consumed by darkness. They ran, using the shadows as a cloak. It would take Draven too long to transform and even then the strength it took meant they wouldn’t be able to escape straight away. Draven ran, dragging Felony behind him. She stumbled and fell a lot but he swore to himself that he'd protect her at all costs, he would never leave her!