When Morning Breaks

Chapter 8

“Master Claudis!!” Claudis looked up at the figure on front of him. ‘Master?’ He thought. ‘It had a great ring to it.’
“Y-yes?!” he said importantly.
“We still haven't found the mistress!” a large, hunchbacked gargoyle glared out through his one good eye. His stone glower wasn’t pleased at the process made and Claudis sensed it.
“Ohh!” he said, glaring around at the large throne room. The gargoyle nodded.
“But we have a lead?” he added, this interested Claudis more.
“Ohh yes?!”
“Yes! Resources believe she's with a…Draven!”
“Ahh!” A glare came across Claudis's face. “The mutant molester!” This was a name Claudis has christened Draven himself. The gargoyle nodded and backed out of the throne room. Claudis walked towards the throne on the platform. Slowly he lowered himself onto the chair. A tremble of power flowed through him and he smiled broadly. ‘Soon this will be yours’ he told himself, ‘all this!’ He gazed out the window and thought about Felony, once she was brought back he would be betroth to her and become the supreme ruler. As soon as she came back!