Status: New Story!! Gunna work alot on this for the next few days

Cause Your Jacket Fits Me, Just My Size


One thing that I loved about living in rural Indiana was being able to ride four wheelers up and down the gravely country roads. Cool summer air whipped through my long chocolaty brown locks, sending it flying into my face, which held a huge smile.
I pulled to a stop in front of my grandparent’s house, where I lived with them, and climbed off of the machine just as my grandma walked out the front door to the one story ranch home.
“I'm going into town. You want to come with me?” She asked me as she headed out to the car which was parked in the garage.
I replied a yes, and followed her over to the car.
I looked around quickly, before sneaking into the local bakery where my best friend, who’s family owned it, and I worked, making the bell above the door ding.
“I’ll be with you in a second,” Alice said, not looking up from where she was decorating cookies to put out on display.
I snuck up behind her, where she stood behind the glass counter, and placed the ‘gun’ I made with my fingers into her back, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Just play along and you won’t get hurt.” I said in my deep man voice.
“Haha very funny Hailie,” She said sarcastically.
I laughed lightly, and took my jacket off as I made my way into the back room, pulling an apron over my head. If I was here, way not help out some?
I walked back out to the front, and laid myself out on top of the glass counter, stretching my body out to its full length.
“So I got a call last night from our most favorite-est male vegetarian last night.” I spoke out, breaking the silence that had fallen over the two of us.
“What did Christofer have to say?” Alice questioned me, looking over at me, seeing my position as if it were the most normal thing.
“Nothing much, Just that he would be spending some time in Indiana, and is expecting that we spend all of our free time with him.” I said rolling my head from side to side, trying to work out the random pain that had taken over my neck.
She nodded her head, and started putting the cookies into their own spots, still not saying anything about how I was laying there.
“If you’re wondering, I'm just used to your random acts. You should know this by now Hailie.” She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
I laughed, rolling my eyes, before stretching again.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story!!!
I've actually written this story out before, but i wanted to re-do it.
Tell me what you think