Status: New Story!! Gunna work alot on this for the next few days

Cause Your Jacket Fits Me, Just My Size


I hummed to myself as I walked through the house, dressed in only a sports bra and short shorts, basket of dirty clothes resting on my hip. If it wasn’t obvious, I was doing my laundry.
“Hailie?” Grandma called out for me, so I made a detour from my path to the basement, and stopped off in the living room.
“This, is Cindy Witzigreuter. She used to be friends with your mom.” Grandma explained, motioning to the woman sitting next to her.
“Nice to meet you. Uhh… Not to be rude or anything, but I’ve got a lot of laundry to do.” I said motioning to the basket resting on my left hip with my rights hand.
“Oh it’s perfectly fine, and it’s nice to meet you to.”
I nodded at her, and went back on my trip down to the basement to finish up the last of my laundry.
It wasn’t that I didn’t like Cindy, it's just that my mom and I don’t speak with each other, so it was kind of awkward to be introduced to her friends. My grandma had no idea why I was actually staying with them, which was because I hated her daughter with a burning passion. But it wasn’t like I was going to actually tell her that.
With a sigh, I shoved my clothes into the dryer, before loading up the washer. I started both machines, and made my way back up, and went out the back door, avoiding the living room.
I laid out in my front yard, just staring up at the clouds. I was so absorbed in the peace, that I didn’t hear the car pull into the driveway, or the car door open. I didn’t notice anything was different until another body laid down next to me.
I looked over, and my brown eyes met a pair that matched them almost perfectly.
“Hey Chris.” I mumbled tiredly, rolling so that I was on my side with my head resting on his chest.
“Tired?” He laughed, to which I just nodded my head into his chest. “Well wake the fuck up! I want to hang out! I flew all the way up here….”
I just laughed a bit, and sat up, stretching my pale arms over my head, letting out a yawn.
“Well, if you want to hang out so much, why don’t you teach me a song or two on the uke? I just got one not too long ago.” I said standing up, before helping up the freakishly tall boy.
He laughed, but agreed anyway, and followed me out to the backyard. Where I slept, was the custom ‘shed’ that my grandpa built when I was about 15, just a year before I moved in with them. I had been with them for almost four years now.
I shook my head, and quickly grabbed my ukulele from just inside the door, and then went back out to the front yard, sitting down with Christofer, who now had his in hand as well.
I didn’t take long for me to pick up on the chords to the song Happy, and soon enough, we were both singing as we strummed the small guitars.
“You make me happy
Weather you know it or not
We should be happy
That’s what I've said from the start…”
I giggled as we finished the song, before falling backwards, the soft grass brushing soothingly against my bare back.
“So why exactly are you in town?” I asked him as he laid next to me again, setting our ukes off to the side of him.
“I'm doing some recording with a local artist that I'm friends with.”He explained as I curled myself into his side.
“Doing something adorable and sweet?”
“I don’t really know yet… We’re going to have a meeting tomorrow, and try and start something up.”
I heard a car pull into the driveway, and when I looked up, I just let my head drop back down, letting out a low groan.
“Psycho bitch here?” He asked referring to my Aunt Stacey, who was a total bitch to me and my friends because we were so different. We weren’t like her daughter, my cousin, Madison, who was the perfect child, who could do no wrong.
“Aww. Don’t do the face…” Chris groaned looking away from me, which made me giggle. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, and buried my face into his shirt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Going to bed.