Status: Working on.

Heaven's Torment

Linda's just a normal girl who moved to a new house, new neighborhood, and not to mention a new state. Linda doesn't think she's anyone special. Sure she can play a little piano, maybe a violin, but that's not really that special.

Linda's sentenced to live with her dad and gold digging step-mother. Since she couldn't stay with her overly childish mother. Linda's not happy about it.

Linda's life is boring, just going day to day. Until a boy comes along and makes her his new best friend. She doesn't understand how he could be so loving to a person he just met, but does it really matter? She has a friend now. A normal friend.


*I have not just stopped writing this story. My computer broke completly and I am now using my mom's or my sister's. I am currently working on the next chapter and it should be out soon.* 8/17/11