Charmed Youngest Sister

This is a Charmed story where Payton Baylee Halliwell is the youngest instead of the oldest. Same characters, same place. Just different age and name. Payton goes by the name of Baylee when she is younger. Here's her profile with her back round and every thing. Leave comments and tell me what you think. ^ - ^

Name: Payton Baylee Halliwell

Nicknames: Bay, Payt, Baylee, Sport, Kiddo, (which Baylee hates the last two but deals with them anyway.)

Age: 15

Description: She has medium length black and brown hair with blond bangs. She usually wears her hair back and has her bangs hanging out. She looks most like her mother, Patty, and similar to Prue, but looks a little more like Phoebe. She usually wears a black sweatshirt and wears black flip flops.

Background: Her real father is Sam, Patty's white lighter but her sisters don't know that. She was born two days before Patty's death and was now the youngest. She doesn't know Paige as a sister but as a customer at P3. Baylee isn't very attached to her older sisters even though she's lived with them her whole life. She's always very quiet and when she does talk, she's usually making fun of Phoebe. She's some times a smart ass when she wants to be.

She has all three of The Powers of Three including Prue's ability to astral- project and Piper's ability to speed up molecules to a point where they explode called, Molecular Combustion. The molecular combustion wasn't an active power of Piper's nor Baylee's but it was going to become active for Baylee soon. She has Phoebe's power of premonition and un-active power to levitate too.

Baylee and Phoebe never really got along well when they were littler. Phoebe always used to get Baylee in trouble with Grams and the law when Phoebe was in her rebellious stage. Baylee looked up to her , but regretted it as they got older, because since she was always with Phoebe and they got in trouble, Phoebe would do anything to get out uncaught. They get along better now that Phoebe and Baylee have had time to rebuild their sisterly relationship when Phoebe moved back from New York.

No one knows how but she is also half demon and has a few connections with Balthazar, meaning she knows him some how and is acquainted with him. He wouldn't hurt her and would protect her just like his human half would.
  1. Gram's Return
  2. Jessy's ***
    It is finally finished!
  3. Inner Demons
    {~Still Writing~}/\{~EDITED(ING)~}