Celebrate The Irony

Celebrate The Irony - 2

If it was one thing more than most, I knew Bob hated blood. The smell, taste, even bare sight of the substance would put him into a near coma. And having seen him start to bleed only the slightest bit was a sign for the worst.

I could see his expression quickly change from confusion to fear, almost the instant he saw his hand. My face paled at the instant sight of his panic, and as everyone else stood around, looking like complete retards, I rushed to his aid, taking his hand and holding it close to me.

“Bob, are you alright?”

His mouth was open slightly in fear, eyes still glued to his hand. I waved mine in his face, hoping to break his gaze. “Bob! Answer me, goddammit!”

He continued to stare at the blood, eyes darting around that certain area only. Groaning, I pushed his hand away from him, grabbing his shoulders, starting to panic as well.

“Bob... Answer me. Please...”

Frank stepped over to the two of us, a confused expression on his face. “Uh, Mikey? You alright?”

I shook my head, closing my eyes and hiding my emotions, hands still positioned on a shaking Bob's shoulders. “Uh... yeah. I'm fine, Frankie. I'm just gonna... I dunno. Take Bob and get him cleaned up and stuff.”

He furrowed his eyebrows at me, like I was being a complete arsehole or something. I mean, I wasn't really, I was just... scared. I guess. Why? I don't know.

“Ah, okay. Just... don't go off and have sex with him or something.” A chuckled escaped his throat, and I just swallowed down my feelings.

If only... I thought, dragging Bob's nearly paralyzed body to the tour bus bathroom. I sat him down on the toilet seat, his figure still shaking.

Grabbing what I needed, Bob's face still stayed in the locked position of fear, I turned back
round to find him in that exact state. It worried me, to be honest, more than it should have.

But it did.

I brought the small step stool that was up against the wall more towards where I had sat Bob down, and plopped myself down on to it, beginning to clean the wound.

“You honestly have to be more careful, Bob...” I said, cleaning the bloody area with the cloth I had. As I continuously hummed a Ramones song that had been stuck in my head for the past few days, Bob's fear slowly died down, as if recognizing the song.

He turned towards me, face now fully back to the color it was before, and smiled. “Thanks, Mikes.”

Swallowing again, I nodded, still trying to clean up his wound, the song I was humming distracting me from my emotions.

It was... I dunno, kind of weird. Feeling attracted to a guy I had known nearly my whole life, kind of. But you really can't change how you feel once you feel it, right? Right...

“Alright, all done.” I spoke softly, more to myself than Bob, and my eyes instantly found their way to the floor.

Turning to face me more, his smile grew wider, and I looked up at him to find him doing just that. Smiling. His smile was... I don't even know. But it was sweet. Caring. Just what a person should have to see everyday.

I mean, I dunno about you, but I know I defiantly wanted to. But hell, thats still only my opinion anyway, right?

“You know, you remind me more and more of my mother every day.” His words were followed with a slight chuckle, and I couldn't help but join in as well.

“Ha, well, she isn't exactly here at the moment... So I guess I'm the next best thing, aye?”

He nodded along with me, still smiling. “Aye.”

The silence grew between the two of us, making it seem even more awkward. I gulped again, and Bob scanned the small bathroom area, almost as nervous as I was.

“So uh... You alright?” I asked again, this time hoping to get more of a response than just a stare at a bloody hand.

“Mhm... thanks to you.” Bob's grin grew again, and I couldn't help but smile back. I mean, it was honestly hard... I guess? Gah, what am I talking about anyway... who knows!

“Yup... uhm... No problem,” My reply was almost nearly all stuttered, and I grabbed the back of my neck with my hand, scratching at it slightly. “Its actually getting kind of cramp in here...”

Bob shook his head again in reply, and I continued to smile like a big loser. Ugh, why doesn't my happy gland just die already! I've used it enough today, well... at least the worry gland. Or, whatever the hell.

“Yeah.... we should... get out. And... yeah.” Bob stood from his spot, as did I, both of us making our way out of the small bathroom.

And as we passed the threshold of the door, our hands brushed each others, and nothing but shivers ran up and down my spine. Like I said, it was a weird feeling. I hated it... but I loved it all the same.
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Written by haushinka died.