Status: Active. For a contest.

The Life Story of Jimmy Melancholy


A boy about the age of five years old sat upon his bay window, a blanket covering his shivering body, his feet sticking out, bare and cold. The rest of his body was naked beneath the fuzzy green fabric and tears coated his cheeks. He felt a pain he didn’t understand and he sobbed each time it pulsed up his back. About two minutes ago, his father had left him in this mess, this terrible pain he couldn’t comprehend. The child leaned his head against the cold glass of the window, desperately praying to God in his mind to take the agony away, to give him mercy.
God didn’t answer his prayers.

It seemed like forever, but was probably a lot sooner than he thought, his father returned. He touched his son’s head and ruffled his hair, causing pain to shoot up the boy’s spine. The boy sniffled back his sob, more tears spilling down his cheeks.

“Why, Daddy?”

“Because I love you son,” The father picked the child up into his arms, lied back on the bed. The boy began to panic, he put his tiny hands on the man’s chest and pushed.

“Don’t, Daddy. Not again.”

“But I love you, Jimmy. Let Daddy love you.”

The boy, Jimmy, sobbed and screamed, squirming and hitting his father, desperately trying to get away. “No! No, Daddy, no! PLEASE!”

Daddy didn’t listen.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is for a contest. apparently i have to make the creator cry :/ I have a really sad, very evil idea and i'm gonna feel bad writing it, but I like it. so it's all good, eh?
Anyway it's the first chapter, very important to the story coming up. Thanks to those who read, subscribe and comment
