Into the Ocean

It's The End

And I could’ve drifted ashore for days and she would never noticed how sullen my heart has been. It’s barely beating since she’s gone away. My eyes are red and sore from the countless saltwater tears, my fingers tremble now, my legs wobble and they’re cold. I can’t feel my feet anymore, they’ve broken down long ago. My soul is the only thing that had me traveling on.

I lie back on the sandy beach that I washed up on not too long ago. The breaths leaving my lips are coming out in puffs, dry heaves if you will. Her feet have trampled on my heartstrings and clipped every one with her scissor-sharp lips. I’m closing my eyes now, the sun’s too harsh on someone that has no color left in their body. My eyes feel like they’re melting under the heat and I can’t find it in me to care if they just burn out of their sockets.

The beating in my chest is slowing, my breaths grow shallow, my life source is growing cold within my being and it’s slowly making it’s way up my legs, to my waist and higher. I can feel the slowing of my chest, I can’t feel the sand anymore, I can’t feel my water-drenched clothes anymore, but I do feel the chill. It’s in the air, something’s coming for me. Her haunting memories can’t hold me here anymore more, I’m sinking to the bottom of the ocean again, if only in my mind.

I’m drowning, I’m dying, I’m slipping away, I’m greeting heaven’s gates all in the matter of seconds.

I’m dead.