Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy,

There are no words. Nothing at all that can exactly explain how special you are to me. You were a beautiful soul, a creative mastermind, a hysterical maniac. You made it okay to be just a little off, you made it normal to be strange. I thank you for that, because without you, I would think I was some sort of freak. I was into Avenged for a long time growing up but the day I found out about your death, I wasn't into your band as much as I used to be. The obsession had faded
for a moment and in that moment tragedy struck. I remember when my friend told me, I went home, turned on City of Evil at the loudest level, and sobbed. It was strange. I never really cried over a band member dying before. Even when Casey Calvert passed, no tears were shed. For you, Jimmy, I was depressed for several days. Hell, I get depressed just thinking about you. It's been a year, a year without you, and it still feels so surreal. When I think about Avenged
Sevenfold, you will never not be apart of them. When I watch interviews or look at new photos and you're not with the rest of the band, my heart breaks.
So this New Years, I'm toasting to you.
Rest in peace. I'll love you foREVer.

Love always,