Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy,

Today, is the anniversary of the day you jumped off the bus and ran into the woods to start your training to become the knife master.

How's that working out for you? I'm not to sure what to write, because I'm not that good at telling people how I feel, but I'll try to give it my best shot.

The only thing I can say well enough, is that I miss you and I love you and your mad skills.

I'm one of the many people in your legions of fans, that want nothing more than to know that you still exist, at least in some capacity.

And you do, you're still alive, in all our hearts.

See, you're kinda like Dumbledore, only younger, more gorgeous, more musically talented, and you have way better hair, you are like him, because you will never truly be gone unless no one in the world still holds you in their hearts.

I love you Jimmy, I miss you Jimmy, and I wonder if you are looking down from outside of Heaven and seeing me writing this.

I hope so.

And I bet, you've been sitting defiantly outside the Gates Of Heaven, since the day of your death, waiting for your friends to join you, cuz you're the type of guy that would do that.....

Long story short(er than it would've been), I miss you, I love you, and even though I know it's impossible - I want you to return to me, to us, to the world.

Love from, Natasha Jane Florence Mills.

28th of the 12th, 2009. The saddest day in the history of sad days in history.

"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost, it's empty and cold without you here."
♠ ♠ ♠
Rest In Peace Jimmy!! <3