Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy,

I remember when my sister walked in and told me you were gone. I broke down crying because you were just so amazing and I couldn't imagine Avenged Sevenfold without you. I told my sister I needed time alone and I got out a razor. I cut myself thinking that it would make everything better. I cleaned up the mess and walked downstairs to saw my big brother. He overreacted and took me to the hospital. They did a examine and put my on depression pills but I didn't need the pills. I needed you and now a year later i'm still on the fucking pills and your still gone. Jimmy I wish you were here and I miss you and will miss you foREVer. I thought about taking ym life away to be with you but I couldn't do it. I couldn't because I have a son named Christian and I couldn't leave him with my boyfriend. I thought about a lot of things that could bring you back but nothing would work you would still be gone foREVer. I just wanna say I love you and you will neVER be forgotten! By the way I think Christian likes Avenged Sevenfold because everytime I turn you on he yells "JIMMY! JIMMY!" Guess he knows who's watching over him. I'm glad I didn't take my life because then I wouldn't have my baby boy calling me mommy everyday. This New Year when eveyone is celebrating a New Year I'll be celebrating you!
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I love ya Jimmy foREVer!!!