Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy,
Personally, I've never been good at telling people how I feel. I fidget, and I usually end up crying. It's hard for me. This is hard as well. It's probably because I look up to you. (That seems to be the case now, literally.) You always were a crazy motherfucker, and that's what I see when I look back at all those YouTube videos with your funniness and performances. You put your all into it, and that inspired me. While I may not be a drummer, you have inspired me to not care about what others think. If they say something about who I am, well, FUCK THEM. I am who I am, and I can't change shit.
You know that Stallion Duck? I think I found one a couple days ago. I named it Jimmy. Of course, it ran like Hell away from me because if you see me chasing you, you fucking roll the fuck out. Anyways, Jimmy seemed pretty badass.
I was watching TV when I found out you had passed. Ninja Warriors was the show. I had been wearing my A7x shirt, ironically enough. I found out, and I froze. I felt my heart stop. My dad turned to stare at me with wide eyes. He knew that I practically worshipped the ground you guys walked on. To hear your life had ended was like a gigantic sword to the heart. (Yeah, yeah, call me cliche, but it's very true.) I darted off to my room without a second thought. I sat in there for a while, thinking and crying. I mean, I was destroyed. After that, I kind of just stopped feeling. That feeling I had when you passed was worse than when my ex had broken up with me. Eventually, I regained my feelings back after a couple weeks of watching your videos. Fucking hilarious, you are. Of course, I'll never forget you. I'll never stop caring about you. I just want to know if you're nice and toasty in the Afterlife. If you are, well, shit, fuck yeah! Enjoy all the beer! All the people down here are waiting to join you. Maybe I'll meet you. That would make my entire existence. I mean, we love you. I love you. So. Fucking. Much. Rock in peace, you sunshine. "Just a spoonful of Jimmy helps the world go down."
Ariana Sarakay Anderson.
P.S. I bet you look badass with those wings on your back.