Dear Jimmy,

Dear Jimmy

Dear Jimmy,

You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. I’ve never had the chance to see Avenged Sevenfold live, for I am cursed when the band tours. It’s been a year since your sudden, tragic death, and I still can’t embrace the belief that you’re gone. December 28th, 2009 will be a day I will never forget. I remember it as if it was just yesterday. I had arrived back home in Chicago for leave, spending the night at my grandma’s house. As I was about to go to sleep that night, a friend of mine texted me, but hesitated to tell me. When she finally did, I was in shock, and I didn’t want to believe it. When I got home the next morning, I got online, and low and behold, it was true. After I read the news, I was stunned, shocked, numb, chills raising every hair on my body. When it sank in, I cried.

When Nightmare came out, I was excited. All of the songs paying tribute to you, the album art remembering you. The inlay of the CD made me cry. To this day, the songs “Fiction” and “So Far Away” always bring a tear to my eye, and race a chill down my spine. Even now as I type this letter I have chills.

Now, one year later, I still can’t believe it, and I probably never will fully embrace the fact. I do know that you are gone, and on December 28th, 2010, the internet was full of A7X fans uniting as a family to pay their tributes, their respects, to celebrate your life, to mourn your death. It was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen, and been apart of.

I love A7X with my life. I have the utmost respect for the band and everything they do. It goes even deeper than the music though. The constant support I see for us in the military ran up that respect. The music gives me the motivation and the drive to be a better person. I will love and support A7X for as long as I live, even though it upsets me that I never got the chance to see the band with you drumming. It still saddens myself, and many other fans that you’re gone from us, but we know you’re up there watching over us. I am not a big believer in Heaven or Hell, but I do believe that you are up there smiling down on the guys, smiling down on Leana, smiling down on friends and family, and smiling down on all of the A7X fans who have united to show you so much love on the one year anniversary of your death.

RIP James Owen “The Reverend Tholomew Plague” Sullivan. Always loved and never forgotten. Your pain is gone, your hands untied.

Love, Lisa