Status: Current hiatus. Don't lose hope, this WILL come back with a vengeance.

Till Death Do Us Part

my hands are at your throat and I think I hate you.

The sun had set long ago, leaving the forest dark and dreary. There was no wind that night, as if it had been halted by the Dark Lord himself. Power and fear twisted around the branches of the many trees surrounding the group of people below them. Leaves crunching could be heard in the far distance as small creatures ran around, too ignorant to understand what had transpired. Silence was cast over the group of Death Eaters like a cloak as they waited.

A small girl stood in the midst of these Death Eaters. As small and frail as she appeared, she was everything but. Her hair fell around her like a waterfall, her eyes roving slowly around the clearing. Her lips twitched with impatience, but she held them still. Everyone around her was shuffling and adjusting their weight nervously, but not her. She stood perfectly still, next to Bellatrix Lestrange, with perfect posture and an apathetic face. Her eyes were unblinking, her mouth unmoving and her feet held perfectly still.


She had been cut, changed and dyed to create the perfect Death Eater. The perfect weapon. Just what the Dark Lord needed to do his bidding and carry out his will. She did just that, only to bring back excellent results every time she was sent out. She had no flaws since they had been forced out of her as a young child, so she was forced to grow into what everyone looked upon as an example. An example of what they should be, of what the Dark Lord expected of them.

Tortured, taught, and trained into a facade of smiles, laughter and happiness, she became the perfect pawn. She became what she knew was a way to slowly and effectively take down Harry Potter, the Chosen One, the one her master was so eager to kill.

Her mission was simple, yet extremely delicate, and she completed it without fail. She had to grow close to him, the Boy Who Lived, and learn his secrets, his weaknesses, his strengths, his everything. No matter what. No matter the risks or the trials, it all came second to the Dark Lord's will.

She slowly became Harry Potter's everything.

However, with everything in life, there was always a catch.

With every deal, every treaty, and every contract, there was a line of fine print everyone skipped over. The Death Eaters who taught her, Bellatrix who tortured her, and even the Dark Lord who had trained her deemed her fine print unimportant and impossible. However, it soon turned out to be very important and very possible.

Fidelity Kerrin Sariah had fallen in love with Harry James Potter.


How could that be? She had been taken as a child and molded into a perfect servant to the Dark Lord. Everything had been redone. Her speech, her posture, her face, her hair, her height, her voice, her personality, everything had been removed and replaced with what He wanted.

Except her heart.

They had built walls around it, by telling her lies about Harry Potter, about the world, about everything. She grew up hating him, hating everyone who opposed her master, who spat His name as if it was worthless, who disrespected Him as if He was nothing but dirt. That hate turned to power, and she used it wisely. She hated Hogwarts, Dumbledore, the Ministry, everything and everyone that didn't bow to Him and call the Him their Lord. Her walls were strong, seemingly unbreakable, and almost indestructible.

Walls were meant to be destroyed.

Her walls were broken, dissolved, and rebuilt. He rebuilt her walls, taught her what it meant to truly smile, to truly laugh, and to truly love.

Fidelity Kerrin Sariah had fallen in love with Harry James Potter.

Fidelity Kerrin Sariah had betrayed him by telling his secrets, his weaknesses and his strengths to her master.

Fidelity Kerrin Sariah had to watch him die.
♠ ♠ ♠
This might be a long one or a short one. I don't know. Comments are greatly appreciated, considering this is my first dark fic.