Status: Current hiatus. Don't lose hope, this WILL come back with a vengeance.

Till Death Do Us Part

visions haunt me through the night, now I'm dying for your sins.

Under normal circumstances Fidelity could tell you exactly when she fell in love with him. If you asked, she could tell you the exact date and the exact time. She could tell you exactly what was happening and where she was. She could tell you how confused she was, because that was not supposed to happen. She could tell you how, for the first time, her breath was stolen and her heart stopped. She could even tell you how hard she cried that night from the pain she felt racking throughout her body.

These weren't normal circumstances however.

Of course, she had told him she loved him prior to that “special” day, but that time, she meant it. She didn't mean to mean it, because to actually mean it would result in consequences. Consequences she didn't want to face, consequences that scared her. Consequences that sent her into a tangled web of nightmares and tears. Consequences she would do anything to avoid.

None of that mattered. All the Death Eaters in the world could not stop her heart from loving Harry. The spells they used, the threats they admonished, the punishments, the torture- it didn't matter. Her pulse still raced when he touched her. Her heart still accelerated when he talked to her. With every beat, every shortage of breath, was a small reminder of what she had gotten herself into.

Her mind could prolong it. She could force the feelings back, convince herself that it wasn't true and lock everything up in that corner in her mind, but it didn't matter. The fact remained that somehow Harry had found a way past her fake exterior, her walls and the spells cast on her body to the real her. The real Fidelity.

After that day, everything became harder. Her sincere smile replaced the fake ones. Forced laughter turned into honest, true laughter. It was becoming difficult to hide her emotions. The girl trapped within her mind was beginning to break free. Fidelity was losing, and she payed for it.

Then she slipped up. She remembered that day clearly, maybe even better than she remembered the day she fell in love with Harry. She was in the middle of her annual questioning with Bellatrix when it happened.

A fifteen year old Fidelity sat in a black chair, head down, eyes closed. Bellatrix walked slowly around her, firing off questions, laughing maniacally. Fidelity didn't share in her laughter, she was too busy trying not to scream from the pain pounding her head. The bile threatening to spill from her lips was from how sick she felt from betraying Harry. The pain, causing her temporary blindness, was from feeling sick in the first place. She wasn't supposed to feel bad, to feel guilty. Betraying him was supposed to come easy to her, but it was proving to be difficult.

“To think, we almost had him. But he escaped.” snarled Bellatrix. The sarcasm and bitterness bit at Fidelity and she shuddered. Her mouth was sown shut, her lips chalk white. The bile was burning her throat and making her stomach churn. Fighting back the bile, her feelings, and that wretched girl trapped within her mind was beginning to rip Fidelity apart.

“It's a good thing we have you.” The tone in Bellatrix's voice made Fidelity's head lift. Swallowing the burning bile, she met her eyes. Cold black eyes met lifeless brown ones.

“Our little back up plan.” Cackling, Bellatrix turned, and Fidelity squeezed her eyes shut. They were beginning to water from the pain in her throat and head, and she didn't want Bellatrix to see that. Crying was a weakness, and to a Death Eater, that was easily taken care of.

“Little Potter falling for a Death Eater.” Bellatrix's back was still turned, and Fidelity felt a tear slip. That one tear cost her hours of agonizing and excruciating pain. That one tear almost cost Fidelity her life.

Bellatrix turned and her eyes flashed with anger.

“Are you crying?!” The shout was followed by a stream of light and the screams of a fifteen year old girl.

A part of her hated Harry. It was because of his existence she was put through this.

but the part that loved him overrode all that. that part loved him fully and completely. it was the kind of love you saw in the elderly couple holding hands. it was innocent, and pure. it was passionate and real.


They were there. They had finally arrived at the edge of the forest. Hogwarts was visible from where they were standing. Dementors flew over their heads, ready to attack if He gave the order. Fidelity stood behind her Dark Lord and waited patiently. Hagrid still held Harry's lifeless body in his large hands. Messy black hair tangled with leaves and dirt clung to his lolled back head. Fidelity kept her eyes on her master and tried to keep her mind clear.

The girl with long blond hair and sharp blue eyes fought. She screamed and cried and pulled at the chains. She snarled threats, cursed Voldemort's name and pleaded with Fidelity.

That's when the first crack appeared.

it was the beginning of the end, the start of the finish. the walls cracked, the chains loosened and everything came crumbling down.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm planning on the next chapter being the one where shit pops off.
Unless I change my mind.
Thank you for the comments. You are all beautiful and wonderful and I love you all.

I would love you forever if you gave me your opinion on:
my new, lighter harry potter story
original fantasy story co-written with Amanda