Status: Current hiatus. Don't lose hope, this WILL come back with a vengeance.

Till Death Do Us Part

I’ve gotta roll the dice, never look back and never think twice.

Fidelity looked around, her heart beating erratically against her chest. The blond seemed unfazed, if a little smug, at her reaction.

"What's the matter Fee?"

Fidelity turned to the smirking girl and glared.

"Do not call me that."

The girl just chuckled which caused Fidelity to grip her wand in anger.

"But why not? That's your nickname isn't it? Fee?"

Fidelity clenched her teeth.

"Enough." she commanded, raising her wand higher. The girl kept chuckling.

"Surely if Ron can call you Fee, I can too, right?"

Suddenly, images of Ron appeared all around the small brunette. She gasped as she was surrounded by his smile, his laugh, him talking, him eating, everything she'd ever seen him do. Sadness and guilt began to overwhelm Fidelity and she covered her eyes with her hands.

"Stop!" she cried and just like that, the images were gone. She slowly uncovered her hands and let her arms drop to her sides weakly. Never, in her life, had she felt such emotion inside her. She felt dizzy.

"What's wrong? Can't stand to look at him, can you? Can't stand to look at any of them can you!?" The girl was almost shouting now and Fidelity took a small step back.

Suddenly, more images surrounded her. She saw Hermione laughing at a joke, Neville in Herbology, Ginny flipping her hair over her shoulder, Professor McGonagall sternly teaching, Hagrid offering her something to drink and many more. She saw her friends, her teachers, Dumbledore, everyone she had lied to and tricked and betrayed. Her emotions were attacking her, ripping her apart until finally she collapsed, holding her head, fighting back tears.

She would not cry for them. She was doing her job. She was doing what was right, what had been drilled into her since she could remember.

The images disappeared and Fidelity slowly looked up. The furious blue eyed blond began walking toward her, her voice becoming louder with each step.

"Do you know who you hurt the most Fee? Do you know who's heart you broke, who's life ended because of you?!"

Fidelity began to whimper.

"No, please." She felt weak, useless, all the things the Death Eaters told her she would feel if she ever left her master. She knew what was coming, and just like that, imagines of a boy with messy black hair and bright green eyes surrounded her. Except, this time she could hear what he was saying.

"I love you Fidelity."
"You're just really pretty, OK?"
"Fee, what's wrong, tell me."
"I just care about you is all!"
"May I have this dance?"
"You're my best friend Fee."

She didn't have to open her eyes to know who was speaking. Tears suddenly began falling down her cheeks, curling under her chin and falling to the ground. She fought the urge to cry out, to yell that yes, she loved him too. She wanted to hug him, to hold him, to tell him she was sorry, so so sorry. Fidelity blinked and began to wipe the tears away furiously, afraid because what if Bellatrix saw and tortured her, what if He saw and killed her, what if-

"Fidelity stop." The blond girl was sitting in front of her, holding her hands away from her face. Fidelity's shoulders shook as she kept crying and desperately tried to wretch her hands free to hide her face.

"I c-can't cry, they'll k-kill me, or worse. Please, please l-let me go." She was rambling now, repeating herself and looking around. She felt crazy, she felt broken, she felt-

No pain.

"It's okay to cry here. They can't get to you." The blond's voice was comforting now and her eyes were kind. Fidelity looked at her.

"I had to use extreme measures to get you to break." The blond then stood and helped Fidelity up. She curled a piece of brown hair around the small girl's ear. Fidelity was still shaking and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

"You haven't felt pain since you've got here, have you?"

Fidelity shook her head, remembering how she felt angry, then sad, then guilty and yet, no pain. The blond smiled.

"You're free Fidelity." She looked at the blue-eyed girl and shook her head.

"I'm not free," she whispered, looking towards the group of Death Eaters. "They'll just torture me again." Her dark eyes then fell on Harry's still body.

"Besides, what's the use." More tears began to fall and the blond carefully wiped them away.

"Fidelity, look."

The brunette looked up and blinked when she saw Neville standing in front of the Dark Lord. Everything was still in slow motion and black and white. Neville was shouting, she couldn't hear what he was saying, but he looked furious. The Dark Lord spoke back before waving his wand. Fidelity frowned. What was going on?

"He's going to torture him." The blond made eye contact with Fidelity.

"Are you going to let that happen?"

Fidelity bit her lip, unsure. She still felt weak from earlier, she was confused and her face was streaked with dry tears. She couldn't do anything in her current state.

"There's nothing I can do." Her voice was hoarse from crying. The blond nodded.

"Let me help you."

Fidelity's head turned toward the blond. Her blue eyes flashed and her mouth was set in a firm line.

"Let me take over Fidelity. You're not strong enough." She held out her hand and Fidelity almost flinched at how dirty and bloody it was.

"But-" Fidelity was quickly cut off.

"Trust me."

Fidelity had never actually trusted anyone in her life. She knew not to trust Death Eaters, they'd all abandoned the Dark Lord when He fell. She knew not to trust Bellatrix, because she lied to Fidelity, told Fidelity she wasn't going to hurt her before torturing her till she was near death. She knew not to trust the Dark Lord because He was someone who would do anything to get what He wanted, and if that was getting rid of Fidelity, He'd do it. She knew not to trust Harry, or Ron or Hermione, or anyone because she was told not to.

But something told her she could trust this strange girl who claimed to be her. Slowly, she took the girl's hand. The blond smiled.

"It will be painful, but I promise, we will win this."

With that, everything went black.


Fidelity's eyes opened and she blinked. She was back at the school grounds, standing next to Bellatrix, who was cackling quietly. She winced when her head started to throb a little. Memories of what happened in her mind flew around her head and she took a dizzy step back. No one seemed noticed.

"Neville here is going to demonstrate what happens to anyone foolish enough to continue to oppose me."

Suddenly Neville burst into flame and he screamed.

At that exact moment, Fidelity clutched her head and she screamed.

Collapsing, she screamed as she felt herself being slowly taken over by the blond, blue-eyed girl. Death Eaters jumped and stared, at a complete loss of what to do. The Dark Lord turned to see one of His prized Death Eaters on the ground screaming like a child. His eyes widened a fraction as He watched Fidelity change. Her hair was slowly curling, her skin tone was lightening, she seemed to be shrinking and growing. The Death Eaters took a step back as she continued to scream along with Neville.

Just then an uproar could be heard from the school's borders as magical creatures stormed the castle, Grawp right behind them.

That's when all hell broke loose.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm updating pretty fast, I'm just really excited.
You guys will love the next chapter, :]
Thank you for all the comments, they brighten my day!