Status: Current hiatus. Don't lose hope, this WILL come back with a vengeance.

Till Death Do Us Part

I'm killing 'em see the white flag from the enemy, father forgive me for my brash delivery.

Hell could never dream of looking like this.

A battle was being fought. House elves versus Death Eaters, spiders versus wizards, adults versus children. It was chaos, it was mad, it was almost unreal. Through the midst of it, a girl lay crumpled on the ground, screaming.

What happened in a matter of seconds felt like hours to Fidelity as the pain slowly subsided. Breathing heavily, she slowly pushed herself up and looked around. Without thinking, she ducked and rolled, a spell barely missing her. Thinking she was under attack, she drew her wand, only to realize it was a misfire. There were spells, arrows and knives flying everywhere.

Looking around, she noticed that her fellow Death Eaters had left her. Frowning, she slowly stood up. Trembling slightly, she looked down at her hands. They were...different. Her skin felt rougher and she had callouses. Feeling her face, her eyes widened when it too, felt different. Touching her hair, she noted that it seemed to be a lot messier, as if if was trying to be curly. Bringing it up to her face, she noticed that it was a lighter brown. She sighed.

It almost worked.

Fidelity frowned, feeling disappointed. She needed that blond haired blue eyed girl, and after that embarrassing episode she was sure the Dark Lord would punish her once the battle was over. The girl, still trapped within her head, thought of an idea.

Let me try one more thing...

Fidelity opened her mouth to speak, but her eyes began burning. She covered her face with her hands and stumbled back. Frantically rubbing her eyes, she suddenly stopped and took her hands away from her face. A pair of electric blue eyes shone through her messy brown hair and a sinister smirk appeared on her face.

Fidelity had been taken over. The blond, blue eyed girl was in control now and she was hungry for revenge. With two names burning brightly in her mind, she stood up straight and looked around.

But she didn't notice Harry's body was missing, hidden underneath his cloak somewhere amidst the battle inside.

Holding up her wand, Fidelity, or rather, what was left of her, began to walk into the castle. Anger consuming her, she blocked whatever misshapen spells flew towards her. She passed a bleeding Death Eater and disposed of him with a flick of her wrist. It soothed her anger, but it once again roared to life when she saw Bellatrix dueling her friends, her once enemies, but now she had to defend them, protect them, because she loved them so much and she was finally free to show it because she was no longer Fidelity the Death Eater. She was a girl with a broken heart, a heart set on revenge and death.

Casting a spell to block whatever curse Bellatrix had thrown at Hermione, she smirked when it bounced off and flew in another direction. Bellatrix turned and her eyes widened when she saw Fidelity standing there, wand drawn and pointed right at her. Hermione, Luna and Ginny followed Bellatrix's gaze and gasped when they saw Fidelity. Or rather, someone that looked like her. She looked as if she had stop transforming in the middle of a Polyjuice potion. Her stunning blue eyes were sinister and calculating instead of brown and lifeless. Her hair was messy and wild, she seemed taller and skinner. It was as if she was a different person. Little did they know, she was a different person.

The former Death Eater made her way to stand in front of the three young witches and turned to face her former master.

"Bella, dear, I think we have a score to settle."

Bellatrix snarled at her condescending tone and raised her wand.

"What are you doing Fidelity!?" She then cast a wordless spell, a spell once used to keep her in line, but the girl just laughed.

"Not anymore Bella!" she called and cast her own spell, which Bellatrix blocked and they began to fight. Students began to openly stare at their ex-schoolmate and the notorious Death Eater dueling. They last heard that Fidelity was a traitor, sent to Hogwarts on a mission to kill Harry Potter for the Dark Lord. Now, she was battling Bellatrix Lestrange, an infamous Death Eater, looking crazed and mad. She was fighting to kill, which surprised the students. A minute ago they saw Fidelity standing with the Death Eaters and now she was fighting against them.

Death Eaters began turning as well, only to be completely shocked to see one of their Lord's finest dueling his right hand lieutenant. Everyone seemed to be frozen, their eyes set on the scene unfolding in front of them.

Bellatrix was dueling with her old student, a crazed look of shock plastered on her face. The girl simply laughed, going crazy from all the anger and revenge taking over her.

"Why so surprised Bella?! You taught me everything I know!" Fidelity shot a spell directly for the Death Eater, who barely managed to block it.

"You insolent little girl!" cried Bellatrix and cast a spell, which Fidelity barely managed to block. The force of the spell sent her flying back, however, and she hit Ginny. Both girls fell to the ground, grunting in pain. Fidelity stood up, slightly dizzy. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she stepped away from the red headed girl. Turning, she held a bloody hand out to Ginny, who looked at her uncertainly. Suddenly, Fidelity turned and deflected another spell from Bellatrix, which hit a wall and exploded. Ginny scrambled to her feet, but Fidelity pushed her behind her back.

"Stay behind me." she whispered and Ginny gasped in surprise. Fidelity, the Death Eater, was protecting her?

"Trying to protect them now? After betraying them, turning on them and killing little boy Potter!?"

Fidelity froze.

Harry Potter is dead.
"I love you Fidelity!"
Harry Potter is dead.

"You dare speak h-his name? Y-you MONSTER!"

Throwing her wand arm back, she threw her hand with all her might as an orange light exploded from the end of her wand. It flew towards Bellatrix in an angry blaze and she barely managed to deflect it. Instead, the spell merely burned the skin of her arm, causing Bellatrix to scream as she bled. Holding her arm, she snarled viciously and Fidelity took a step back, pushing Ginny with her. Hermione and Luna had run to help their red headed friend, but Fidelity kept them back as well.

"Stay back." she barely whispered, tracking Bellatrix's movements with her eyes. Fearing the worst, she mentally prepared herself for what was to come. Suddenly, someone screamed.


Mrs Weasley pushed all four of the girls back and Fidelity's eyes widened in shock. She felt someone tug her and stumbled back as Ginny pulled her away from the dangerous fight. The girl turned to look at her old friend and blinked.

"Ginny, are you alright?" she whispered. The red head just gaped at her and the girl looked around. Some of the students were staring at her, some with disbelief, others with disgust.

They still hate me...

It's all His fault!

"Voldemort..." she whispered, the name sounding ugly and foreign on her tongue. It was barely heard above the yells and laughter coming from the fight going on behind them. Suddenly, Mrs. Weasley shot a curse straight for Bellatrix's heart and she froze. Falling dead to the ground, Bellatrix remained unmoving and the Dark Lord screamed.


Harry watched in horror as Bellatrix fought off Ginny, Hermine and Luna. Turning instead to aid them, he slowly came to a stop when a girl came into his view. Her usual dark hair was lighter and tangled, her posture was straighter and she had a deadly aura surrounding her. Casting a spell to deflect whatever Bellatrix had thrown at Hermione, the girl stood in between the Death Eater and his friends.

"Bella, dear, I think we have a score to settle."

Fidelity? Harry's mind was spinning, what was she doing? The last he saw of her were her cold, endless pools of brown drilling into his own green orbs, right before he "died." Swallowing hard, he watched as she pointed her wand directly toward Bellatrix.

"What are you doing Fidelity!?" Bellatrix shrieked and held up her wand. Fidelity just laughed and Harry was shocked at how broken and crazed it sounded. It didn't even sound like Fidelity.

"Not anymore Bella!"

They began dueling, twisting around each others spells, both aiming to kill. All the while, Fidelity's face was contorted into rage while Bellatrix's was wild and shocked. Harry's heart was pounding, he didn't know what to do, so he stayed where he was. His hand was itching to raise the wand in his hand, but something told him not to.

"Why so surprised Bella?! You taught me everything I know!" Fidelity's tone was sarcastic and cocky, something Harry had never heard before. Bellatrix's anger flared and she began to scream.

"You insolent little girl!" A curse went straight for Fidelity and she managed to block it. The force made her fly back and she ran into Ginny. Both girls fell and Harry stopped breathing. Relief poured through him when both girls got up, although he wasn't sure why he even cared about Fidelity.

She betrayed him, after all these years. She was a Death Eater, the whole time.

He meant nothing to her.

"Trying to protect them now? After betraying them, turning on them and killing little boy Potter!?" Bellatrix began cackling, throwing her head back as her laugh sent chills up Harry's spine.

Fidelity, who was standing in front of Ginny, froze. Harry watched her carefully, unconsciously waiting for her reaction.

"You dare speak h-his name? Y-you MONSTER!"

A curse was shot and hit Bellatrix's arm, causing it to bleed profusely. The Death Eater snarled and held up her own wand. Hermine and Luna ran up to help, but Fidelity pushed them back as well. Harry, once again, began to move until he was knocked sideways.


Mrs. Weasley charged at Bellatrix and threw off her cloak. Bellatrix began cackling, unworried about her new opponent.

Harry watched the duel between Mrs. Weasley and Bellatrix unfold, but his mind was on Fidelity's words. Did she care, or was she just putting on a show? He remembered hearing her collapse and scream earlier, but had to leave her behind in order to do what he had to do. It broke his heart to hear her scream like that, and he bitterly realized it was the second time she had broken him.

It's just for show, she knows she's lost and she's trying to fool everyone. He thought angrily, gripping Malfoy's wand in his hand.

But to go up against Bellatrix Lestrange, to defy her in front of everyone- His train of thought broke as he watched said Death Eater fall to the ground. There was a blast, as if a bomb went off, and Voldemort screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I used a Lil Wayne song for this chapter.
And I couldn't resist putting Mrs. Weasley's quote in here. It's just so beautiful.
A dip into Harry's head we go!
The next chapter will be Fidelity vs. Voldemort.
This was hard, because it was so chaotic, not like the rest of the chapters.
I hope you liked it.