Status: Current hiatus. Don't lose hope, this WILL come back with a vengeance.

Till Death Do Us Part

defying the curse that has taken hold, never surrender, I'll never be overcome!

She watched as He raised his wand to strike Mrs. Weasley and before she could process what was going on, her mouth opened.


Her voice was loud and clear, full of anger, threatening. Swallowing hard, as if the name she just roared had a bad taste, she waited for Him to face her. The Dark Lord slowly turned and cold eyes met with icy ones. He froze for less than a second and cocked His head to the left.

"Fidelity." He hissed her name, and that's when she knew.

She was going to kill Him.

She was going to destroy Him.

Rationally she knew she didn't stand much of a chance against Him. Bellatrix always fought with her emotions and Fidelity had spent enough time around her to know that she could beat her, or at least keep up with her. But the Dark Lord, the most powerful wizard alive, the one in possession of the Elder Wand, was a completely different story. Rationally, Fidelity knew He would kill her quite easily.

However, Fidelity was not rational. No, Fidelity was heart broken, furious and hell bent on getting her revenge. Fidelity was no longer in control of her emotions or her actions. She wasn't even herself anymore. She was fueled by adrenaline and revenge, and the only thing keeping her sane was the fact that she was free.

But at what cost?

The Dark Lord took away her most precious person and outed her in front of everyone. They all hated her, she was alone, and he was gone.

Harry Potter was dead.

Gripping her wand tightly in her bruised hand, she began to make her way towards Him. Too focused on her objective, she didn't notice everyone slowly backing away from the both of them.

She slowed to a stop and faced her former master. Her now icy blue eyes clashed with His emotionless pools of dark. He held His wand carefully in His hand and studied the girl in front of Him.

"Surprised are we?" Her voice carried across the silent school grounds and the Dark Lord let a sinister smile spread across His face. Glaring, the girl held her wand up a little higher. Dark eyes narrowed.


"Not anymore." Her tone was full of venom and the Dark Lord scowled. He wasn't fond of being interrupted. She continued, talking as if she was having a chitchat over tea with some friends.

"Your perfect little back up plan is gone Voldemort. She left, she's quite tired of you and your little friends pushing her around. Now raise your wand." Her lips were curved into a crazed grin and her eyes twinkled with malice.

"You dare to speak to your master like that?" He hissed. The way He glared at her made her smile.

"You are not my master any longer, or did you not hear me? The Fidelity you used is gone. Now raised your wand." She held her wand higher, pointing it straight at Him. The Dark Lord gave off a sinister smile.

"So, you have free will now? How amusing." His voice sent chills down her spine, but she ignored it and gripped her wand tighter. He was still smiling, as if she wasn't a threat and it pissed her off. The Dark Lord's eyes narrowed as the girl in front of him scowled.

"Tried to keep me locked up, didn't you? Curse after curse, you tried, but it seems you have failed." She spat at him, anger coursing through her veins.

"And now, here we are, wands at the ready and the only thing stopping you is the fact that I'm the only one left." Looking around, the girl nodded and stood straighter. The rest of the Death Eaters had vanished.

"I have still won." The Dark Lord smiled, though there was nothing happy about his expression, and began to walk towards the small girl.

"Harry Potter is dead and the wizarding world has fallen."

I love you Fidelity.

"Harry's dead." She whispered and pain shot through her chest. Trembling, she looked up at the evil man coming towards her and blinked. Tears fell down her cheeks and, without thinking, she cast a curse. He blocked it easily and she dodged the jet of light that shot at her.

She shot another curse, and another, and another, all while tears streamed down her face. Blocking curses and dodging the ones she couldn't block, Fidelity tried to think of some sort of plan.

Everyone watching seemed content to just gawk, still not completely sure as to what they were looking at. Fidelity shot another useless spell and dived behind a rather large piece of stone that had fallen off the castle. She couldn't count on anyone's help, not that she blamed them. Fidelity had betrayed all of them, they all hated her. She was alone.

"Are you giving up?" He was taunting her now and she felt her blood boil. Fidelity was growing rather tired of Him, wanting nothing more than for him to die.

"An eye of an eye Voldemort!" Fidelity stood and blocked the jet of light He shot at her.

She was resorting to childlike tactics, insulting and taunting her opponent because she couldn't win and she knew it. She knew He was going to kill her, knew that unless someone helped her, He would end her life and continue His reign over the wizarding world.

"I was going to kill off dear old Bella, but Mrs. Weasley handled that."

The Dark Lord snarled and shot a killing curse, which missed the girl by centimeters. Fidelity noted that His aim was off when she mentioned Bellatrix and grinned wildly.

"I figured if you can kill my Harry, I can kill your Bella, and then we'd be square." She ducked and shot a curse at Him, only to roll out of the way when He sent one back.

"But, Mrs. Weasley took care of that. So, here we are, battling it out!" She was getting louder, almost shouting now, desperate to send Him over the edge so she could defeat Him.

"How does it feel Voldemort? To know that your two most prized Death Eaters are now gone!? That one fell to a blood traitor and the other-" she shot a curse and He blocked it, snarling, "-fell in love with Harry Potter!"

Everyone around them froze.

Fidelity was in love with Harry? Shocked faces, dropped jaws and surprised gasps rippled through the crowd of witches and wizards watching the Dark Lord and Fidelity duel.

Lord Voldemort began to cackle madly and stalked towards the girl, who held her ground.

"Love!?" He roared and Fidelity flinched, a hard glare still set upon her face.

"That's the solution to all, isn't it!? Love. Foolish, all of you! Love means nothing! Your Savior believed in love and look where it got him! Dead."

Fidelity blinked, blue eyes becoming glassy with tears. She was shaking now and she felt her body begin to shut down. The adrenaline that had gotten her this far was beginning to fade and her body swayed. She wasn't going to last much longer. She needed help, she needed someone to help, she needed-

"You're wrong!"


Lord Voldemort and Fidelity froze.

That voice, I know that voice, it's-

"H-Harry." She whispered.

Fidelity turned, along with everyone else, to watch as Harry Potter took off his Invisibility Cloak and pull out his wand.

Shouts of "Harry!" and "HE'S ALIVE!" rang in Fidelity's ears, but she didn't join in the screaming. She just stared, emotions flowing through her, making her head throb.

It can't be him, it can't be, I saw it, I watched him die no, it's fake, it's not real.

So many thoughts flew around her and she took a dizzy step back.

Harry's alive, he's here, but he can't be, Voldemort killed him, I killed him, he's here, he's okay, Harry's breathing I can see him, but he can't be-

She stared at him until he finally turned his head to look at her. She could see his green eyes from where she stood, behind his glasses, under a mop of black hair. Dried blood and dirt covered his face, but those eyes still shone brightly. His eyes, the eyes she had grown to love, to care for, to admire, the eyes that held so much kindness and love for her.

That was when she knew.

Harry Potter was alive.

She could feel herself begin to smile, something she hadn't done in a long time, until darkness clouded her vision and everything went black.


"How does it feel Voldemort? To know that your two most prized Death Eaters are now gone!? That one fell to a blood traitor and the other fell in love with Harry Potter!"

Harry blinked from under his cloak and his lips parted in surprise.

And the other fell in love with Harry Potter!
Fell in love with Harry Potter!
In love with Harry Potter!

She...she loved him?

He gripped Malfoy's wand even tighter in his hand, and suddenly he knew what he had to do. Even if she was lying, even if she was just trying to save herself, he had to do something. He couldn't let anyone else die, he wanted to make sure the last one to fall would be Voldemort.

The dark wizard roared and began to stalk towards the smaller girl, a wild expression on his pale face. Harry grabbed the edge of his Invisibility Cloak, eyes locked on Fidelity and opened his mouth.

"You're wrong!"

Everyone froze.

He tugged the cloak off of him and held Malfoy's wand up. Harry could hear people shout his name and watched as Voldemort turned to look at him, his expression unreadable.

They locked eyes and Harry stood his ground. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Fidelity, swaying back and forth. She took a step back to steady herself and Harry gritted his teeth. Knowing he probably shouldn't, he turned to look at her, wand still pointed at Voldemort and swallowed. His heart clenched painfully as he looked at his friend, his love, his everything Fidelity.

She looked dead with her face sunken in and fragile limbs. Fresh and dried blood covered her, along with bruises and dirt. Her wand arm had fallen against her side, and her eyes were full of tears. Her face changed suddenly and her cracked lips began to twitch.

Suddenly, she fell to the side and crumpled to the ground. Harry saw Voldemort move towards her and quickly raised Malfoy's wand.

"Protego!" He shouted and a large barrier sprang up and separated her unconscious form from Voldemort.

Desperate, Harry turned to the dark wizard and moved so he could be yet another thing keeping Voldemort from getting to Fidelity. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ron and Hermione come forward rather quickly, somewhat dragging and carrying Fidelity to safety.

A sigh escaped him, both tired and from relief and Harry Potter looked up.

It was time to end this war.
♠ ♠ ♠

Because oh my goodness, she helped me through this hard ass chapter. Giving me advice and just being wonderful. Check her out, now. I love you snookums.

Thank you to all who have commented and stayed with me.
Holy crap, I lovelovelovelove you guys. Thank you, so much. I just can't. <3

This chapter was HARD.
I mean, damn. I'm pleased though.
Sorry for the wait, I pray that it was worth it.
I hope you all like it and our favorite snake man isn't too ooc is he?
Tell me what you think. Thanks guys. <3