When Your Childhood Dies

Chapter Three

Elly’s POV

I ran my hand through my hair, glancing around the white brick building. I blew a sigh passed my lips and into my bangs, as I looked at the two-way mirror. Sure I had something to worry about, but I could play it off as though everything were fine.

I never had liked Christian. He was a terrible big brother. He never jumped in when some boy or girl was picking on us, never stood up for us when we got into an argument with daddy dearest and sure as hell never acknowledged us, aside from joining in our family ‘gatherings’.

I sighed once more, resting my chin on my hand as the door clicked open. Sitting up straight, I smiled innocently—slyly—as Hotchner closed the door behind him.

“My sister’s got some nerve,” I kept my eyes on him, “always wanting to play cards, even with strangers.”

He watched me, hesitating slightly as he took the seat across from me, “Were you and Christian close?”

Irritated slightly, I grooved my forehead. I hated when people avoided my subjects, “No,” I crossed my arms over my chest, knowing that Reid, Morgan and whoever else wanted in on us watched, “Invy was the only one I was close to; she’s my twin. I feel what she feels, you know? The whole twin telepathy.”

Insert crafty Reid comment here.

“These cards,” Rossi broke, opening the door and closed it behind him, “do both you and your sister play them?”

I could feel my face shift slightly, as a wide smile made its way across my lips, “Cards are a great release. They’re a game, no matter who deals the hand.”

“Did you ever play cards with Christian?” Rossi watched me.

I shook my head, “He never wanted to. He was always too busy—” I stopped myself, before I broke and spilled our secrets, “following our dad around.”

- - - -

I held onto Invy’s arm, as she sighed quietly. I glanced down at the cut that ran down her ribcage and to her hip. It was bruising over, turning purple ever so slowly.

“You can’t take him,” I hissed, sitting her down on the lid of the toilet and grabbed the damp wash cloth, “Daniel knows he did this, and he can take advantage of it.”

Invy pushed my hands away, getting to her feet and ripping the fabric down her side, “I can handle him, Ella.”

“No, you can’t,” I grumbled, pulling her shirt back up, “It’s probably infected by now.”

Invy growled, watching as I pushed her back down. I ran the wash cloth along the cut, wiping off the dried blood, “I’ll take care of him. You can watch and help, but you’re not stepping more than arms length around him.”

“I’m drawing the cards,” she hissed, not meeting my eyes as she stared straight in front of her, “Daniel never wanted to play with me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoo, Chapter three! :3
