Status: foREVer ♥



Lately the music I listen to has changed a lot. Actually it's changed a lot over the past year. I started listening to a lot of bands. Some I had heard when I was younger like Green Day while others I discovered this year like Avenged Sevenfold.

I was listening to the Sirius music channels and stopped on one of the rock channels. I believe that the song that was playing was Nightmare. I couple of days later I heard it again. This time I looked the song up as well as other songs by the band. At first I only liked the song Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold. Soon I started liking their other songs. I looked up more of the band and the members. I found out that one of them had died and I remember seeing it on Twitter last year. At the time I didn't know who he was.

Lately I've started to like A7X more and more. There has been three songs that I keep listening to over and over. One is Nightmare but that's just one of my favorite songs. The other two songs are A Little Piece of Heaven and Dear God. Both the music videos and songs made me sad and I don't know why but I do know that they are amazing songs.

I wrote this just to let the people who read this know how I found out about Avenged Sevenfold and the members; M. Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, Synyster Gates, Johnny Christ, and Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. Today I'm going to watch/listen to Nightmare in memory of The Rev.