So Many Decisions But Only A Few Bullets Left

Ch. 2 At The Warehouse

There was only a few seconds before all 3 of us collide with the truck.

"Oh shit!" the guy in the Mazda says. He presses on his breaks and drifts to the left stopping in an instant. The other guy has enough brains to do the same.

I look to the front right of my window and see a cart that not too far ahead. An idea springs up into my head. "That’s it!" I say as I drive to my right where the new ramp was. I press a button on my steering wheel and 2 rockets lift up from both sides of my car.

Each fire up and shoot its way into the semi.


The truck explodes like something off an action movie. And just like an action movie, my car rolls up onto and over the ramp and jumps over the flames!

I land and drift to the right staring straight at the guys who's faces were in shock. I open the door and stand.

"Look, fellas, I'm going to leave you here to deal with this mess. As soon as I'm finished with this errand then I'll come back for you two. In the meantime, explain this incident to the police." I yell to them over the flames as 3 police cars head their way from down the street, "Bye!"

I get back in and steer my car around and drive off to the warehouse. As I look into my rearview mirror, I can see the guys drive away as the police chase them back down the street.

"Losers," I mumble to myself.

About an hour later, I reach the warehouse. The huge steel doors open wide as I drove my car inside. The warehouse was huge for an old car manufacturer site that had went out of business. The place was filled with a variety of vehicles from off-road to street; from jet-skis to jets; all from the money me and the sibilings use to buy them with. Each motorvehicle had something unique about them whether it was from the detailed paint job to the high-powered engine or the weapons that had been installed.

I step out and lock my car as I walk over to my good friend Aileen. She has this long black hair and these purplish looking eyes though that was from her contacts. Aileen's my age but I'm a few months older.

"Hey Aileen! What're you up too?" I ask her as I take off my jacket and put on a random chair.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just about to adjust some things on my newest creation." she says with a grin, as always. Her face has smudges of dirt and the overalls she regulary had was covered even more with grease and other stains. The black shirt she had underneath was faded a bit and a little torn but its better than having a nice outfit on.

"Where's Alex? He didn't blow up yet did he??" I say as I look around the area. One side of the warehouse belonged to her and the other belonged to her brother Alex. He has the same black hair and purplish looking eyes as his sister but he’s 22.

They're both orphans but they don't seem to care whether they have parents or not.

"He's behind the blue curtains over there. I have no idea what he’s up to. I just hope he hasn't done anything stupid." she says as she picks up a steel tube I'm guessing she was about to install or work on.

I head over to the blue curtain when Roscoe, their German Shepard, jumps up to greet me.

"Hey there boy! Look what I got you!" I say as I pull out a meat bone for him. He takes it happily and runs off.

"Alex?" I call to him.

"Wait just a moment! Don't come back here just yet." he replies with an excitement in his tone. A little sparking noise can be heard from behind the curtains. "DONE!"

I open the curtains and see Alex with his back turned on me.

"Voila! Its completed!" he says and turns around.

"What is THAT?" I ask. A large red ball is held in his right gloved hand.

"I call it 'The Bouncy Ball'!"

"'The Bouncy Ball'? How original..."

"This ball is actually a bomb but it bounces like a bouncy ball. By the 3rd bounce, it goes ‘KABOOM!!’ in mid air!" He announces.

He walks out in his upbeat happy tone that he gets when he finishes a 'work of art', or so he calls it. He takes the gloves off and brushes his black baggy jeans that he has on as his work outfit. I'll admit, Alex was gorgeous and he had a body but I consider him more brother than boyfriend.

He had the Bouncy Ball in his hand, leading me to the testing room he and Aileen built together and that’s when Roscoe grabs the ball out from under his palm.

"Roscoe! That’s not a toy! Bring it here!!!" Alex says as he chases Roscoe but Roscoe easily outruns Alex as though they are playing a game.

"What on earth are those two doing?" Aileen says as she comes up beside me wiping her hands with a rag.

"Well let’s just say if Alex doesn't get that 'ball' from Roscoe, your warehouse could have a big window in your wall, you don't have to deal with your brother anymore, and you could have more money when you stop buying dog food." I say as I smirk at her. She looks at me like she’s about to freak.

"ALEX! You had better get that thing because I don't want to explain why our dog is in bits and why there's a whole in our warehouse to the insurance guy!!!" she yells out.

I watch them as I giggle a bit only because to me, this was funny but it was no laughing matter.

Alex jumps into the air and barely jumps on Roscoe from behind. Roscoe barks and drops the Bouncy Ball.

"NO!!!" Alex shouts out as the ball lands its first bounce. The ball lights up on the side as a signal that it’s activated.

"Oh shit!" I say as I ran towards the ball. As I ran, I swept up a glove that was lying on a metal desk. The 2nd bounce hit a desk knocking over a picture and smashing it into pieces. The light on the ball turns another color as I ran past the broken picture.

"Don't let it bounce one more time!" I heard Alex yell to me.

"I GOT IT!" I shout as I jump with the glove extended. The ball fell and I felt like I was in slow motion.

Memories danced around in my head but I ignored them, too focused on the falling bomb.

Slowly and slowly the ball fell.

I was seconds away. Questions and images floated through my mind, but one question repeated itself over and over again.

Was I going to make it?


Was that the ball?

No. It was me.

I was now sliding across the concrete floor; the ball falling close to the ground.

3... 2... 1... the ball fell... into my glove. Still sliding, I slide under a desk and barely tap my head on the metal.

"Phew." I crawl back from under the desk and stand, quickly deactivating it by pushing a button on the top. "Ok Alex... next time, invent something that doesn't end up in the mouth of a dog." I walk over to him and put the ball in his hands. I then head to Aileen, throwing the glove away. Alex looks at the ball.

"EWW! GROSS! There's drool on this ball!" he says as he desperately looks for a rag.

"Nice save Case." Aileen hi-5's me, "If that ball exploded you and this warehouse would be gone! Well I have something you want to see without it exploding in your face."

She takes me to her part of the warehouse. She was more into speed than building her own weapons. She put Alex's specially made guns and attaches it to the car. She too makes her own creations.

As we walk, she led me to a covered car. She grabs hold of the cover.

"Check this out." She rips the cover off the car to reveal a shadowy black Lotus Elise. The hood is decorated with creative writing saying 'Seductive'. The sides are designed with rose petals falling back to the rear. Right next to the side mirrors was 2 massive machine guns.
"You sure I won't get pulled over with this?" I say jokingly as I walk around the car, checking it out inch by inch.

"Case, I'm pretty sure the cops will see a blur once you speed by. Look what I put in here." she says as she leans into the passenger. I head over to the drivers side and stick my head in. The dashboard, steering wheel, and the middle section had buttons and flashing lights covering it like something you would see off of a science fiction movie.

"Usually the Lotus will go about 190 mph at top speed, but since you know a certain friend who knows how to fix certain things, I've upgraded so that it goes 265 mph at top speed. Not only that, it goes from 0-60 in 2.3 seconds. I know I'm a genius! Continuing on, that red button there above the dashboard adds more speed after you've use the NAS on the steering wheel. So it can go more than 300 mph! We're breaking sound barrier here! The buttons surrounding the radio controls all the guns on the outside of the car. The ones the rest of the steering wheel control the hand held weapons and other things like the eject-able driver and passenger seat. There is also emergency parachute that comes with it which is VERY useful at times. Let’s say that Augustus's men manage to get to your car and take out your brakes. The parachute pops out from the rear and slows you down but if there’s a wall in front of you then this button on the side of your seat pops the roof open and off you go into the air. Just like XXX. Well yeah that about does it. When I add these missile launchers on the sides, it’s ready to be taken out and shown some action. Oh! By the way, it’s bulletproof." She finishes as we secret handshake.

"Augustus will have even more problems with this than that red Corvette Convertible you gave me when we were in Mexico. Good times... Good times..." I say with a smile on my face.

Just then, a siren goes off through out the building.

"Speak of the devil...." We say simultaneously. We run over to another part of the warehouse where there was lots of monitors filled with flashing data and maps and all sorts of other things. Alex was sitting on the black rolling chair as we arrive.

"Where's he headed?" I say as I lean over Alex's shoulder and look into the monitor. A bunch of maps and lettering pops up over the screen. Bits of files are also mixed up in the frenzy.

"It seems like he's about to fly over the States to somewhere in Europe and I know he's not going there to sightsee, but he is flying his private jet."

"The black one from when we were in that Florida museum?"

"No, the blue one from the towers in NY."

"Oh! That one! Wonder if he ever found that dead flight attendant I stuffed in the bottom of the sink?..."

"I doubt it. It’s only been 2 weeks."

"EW! You know how much that stinks?! It stinks like a garbage truck full of baby poo!" Aileen comments as she leans over Alex other shoulder.

"I'm guessing you would know how much that smells. Did you go to the city dump or the local garbage dumpster?" he says to her. I laugh and hi-5 him. She rolls her eyes at us and focuses back on the screen.

"His jet leaves at 10:30, tomorrow morning," he informs me.

I nod and look at the picture ID of his schedule. Some of the nightmare comes back to me.

Augustus, my room, my parents and I remember seeing a small little--

"You've had the nightmares again, haven't you?" Alex asks me as he continues to type on the keyboard. I look down at him then to the screen.

"I'm never going to get a dream until he's dead. But yes, I did. They're never going to stop. Never." I reply only to be answered back by Aileen.

"Casey, never say never. Soon, you'll have your revenge and there will be one less evil guy to worry about in this world. Think of all the stuff we could be doing once he's gone. For instance, you nightmares will go away and you'll finally get some sleep."

"True but... will that be it for me? Good night sleeps for the rest of my life? No more adventure and high-tech equipment from you 2?" I start to wonder. They look at me then to each other.

"We could always go into the army. I can go into weapon modifications, Aileen can create new vehicles and you could become a soldier." Alex said as he finally looks up at me. I look back and smile.

"Daddy always did like the Navy Seals." I smile.

After spending a day in the warehouse, we leave and Alex sets up the security around the place.

As we drive back we pass Hell's Boulevard and Aileen, sitting in the passenger seat, looks out the window and notices that there’s no streetlight and the building is partially scorched.

"Hm.... that’s funny." she says as she inspects everything through the side mirror.

"What’s funny?" I ask.

"This place looked fine when I went to the auto shop and came back...."

I start to laugh as I remember what had happened.

"What’s so funny Case?" Alex says to me from the back seat with Roscoe sticking his head out my window.

"Nothing you need to know..." I smirk at him through my rear view mirror. He raises an eyebrow and shrugs it off, petting Roscoe.

We arrive at my house. I get out and pull back the seat, letting Roscoe get out first the Alex. I look at the mansion the belonged to Augusts and glare at it through the buildings I can see it through.

"C'mon Casey!" Aileen says to me, snapping me out of the ways I thought about torturing Augustus, the fuckin' slime ball.

I unlock the door and open it only to find..... Celyna with a sign saying this is the end of this chapter or part or whatever you may call it!
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Comments and the honest truth are greatly admired. :] Thanks!