Status: for a contest.

It Never Ends

No Need For Introductions

"He's finally coming around!" A loud male voice said excitedly. I'm scared to open my eyes now.
"Oli? You okay?" someone else asked, another guy. I guess my name is Oli.

Slowly I opened my eyes. Immediately regretting it, as I was blinded by many bright lights in my face. I cringed at the horribly pain it caused me.
"Where am I? Who am I?" I asked quietly, blinking continuously to get used to my surroundings. There were quite a few people in the room, all staring at me in shock. I guess I asked the wrong question? No one had smiles anymore.
"Did I say something wrong?" I asked again.

"No, you didn't." Responded a man in a white coat. Something tells me he's a doctor, but I have no idea how I know that. I can't recall anything, I'm amazed I can even talk.
"What's wrong with me? What happened?"

"Oh Oliver!" An older woman sobbed loudly, grabbing onto a man for comfort.
"Is that my name?"
"Yes, it is. Oliver Sykes. You were in a terrible car accident 3 weeks ago. Other than your memory damage, you weren't too physically hurt. Just your head injury, from hitting the steering wheel. It's also unknown as to when or if you ever will fully recover your memory. I'm sorry for any inconveniences. Do any of you have any questions?" The doctor explained.
"Car accident?"
"According to these files, you were under the influence of alcohol. You almost had blood poisoning and liver failure due to this. Luckily no one else was hurt, but you a vehicle wrapping it completely around a tree Mr. Sykes."
"I crashed into a tree? I can't remember a thing. This is all too much. I think I need time to think about all of this." I sighed. Why can't I remember anything?

"Yes, I agree. This must all seem crazy to you. I'm sorry. We should probably let Mr. Sykes rest some more." The doctor ordered.
Slowly everyone left the room. Except one boy stayed longer a little longer.
"Who are you?" I asked, confused. "I think I know you."
"Of course you know me. Get better soon bro."

I layed on that bed for the rest of the day and all night trying my hardest to recall something, but I saw nothing. What made me do such a thing? It seemed as though everyone was devasted when they found out I knew nothing.

The next day only my brother came, but I still couldn't call to mind any memories. Not even the crash.
"I hope you remember soon. It's going to be weird if you don't when you come home in three days." My brother mumbled. I still don't know his name.
"I know. Let's hope that doesn't happen."
"Well I'm gonna go, I'll be back tomorrow bro."
He gave a slight wave as he exited, with a small smile on his face. It made me smile. I just wish I could remember something about him. Were we close brothers? Did we argue all the time?

Three days came and went in a flash. My brother came everyday, but no one else did. I don't know why they didn't come though. Don't they want me to remember? Or was I really just a horrible person to everyone?

"You ready to go now Mr. Sykes?" The doctor, who's name I still don't know. He wasn't wearing any sort of name tag or something, like all the other nurses and doctors did.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I muttered. No one was too thrilled about the way things are. It seemed as though no one wanted to be around me, since I didn't even recognize any of them. They never said each others names either. It was like they wanted me to remember who they were or I would never know them.

"Let's go bro." My brother said cheerily. He certainly seemed happy today. Odd.
The drive to our house was very quiet. I didn't know what to say, and neither did he. It was awkward. I don't even know how much time passed as we drove from the hospital to a nice neighborhood.
"Well here we are." We pulled into a driveway, there was a nice two story house.

When we walked in my parents were sitting at the couch in the living room. There were both reading books. Which seem completely off to me. It didn't seem right, like it wasn't something they did often.
"I hope your feeling well son. We've all missed you." My mom said coming to hug me.
My dad didn't say anything as he hugged me. They both looked as though they had been crying not too long ago.
"My head doesn't hurt. I still can't remember anything though." I sighed, looking down ashamed. I couldn't even remember my own family's names.
"Maybe you still need to rest or something Oli." My mom suggested. I think she's right, I'm kind of feeling tired now.
"Yeah, that sounds good to me. Where's my room?" I asked.
"Up the stairs, first room on the right." My dad said.
I walked into my room. It felt like I was in a strangers private space. I should have already remembered something by now, right? It doesn't seem normal at all.

The next 3 months flew by as well. I still didn't remember anything. Every morning I walked into the kitchen, my parents faces dropped in disappointment when they found out I still didn't know them.
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comments would be swell. xD
there might be a sequel.