
Chapter One: First Day

It was my first day of highschool and I didn't know anyone. Well, maybe because I went to a private middle school and they all went to Mckinley when I have to be stuck at Moonstar High. A stupid name I know. I'm Skylar and I hope I can find a future here but I doubt it. My parents say that a way to express yourself is to join clubs. They had a club brochure that I read. They had an anime club. Perfect. I'm not Otaku but anime was the only thing that interested me on that list.
It was the hour before lunch when I could try out the anime club. Every hour before lunch had no one sitting alone. Everyone knew each other. Why couldn't that be me? If I didn't like anime club then I'll join book club. I grabbed my lunch and walked to the room. There were a few people who were preps but it looked like the people there were my type of people. Before the club started, I walked up to this one girl with black hair, pale skin, glasses, looked like a walking rainbow. "Hey, I'm a freshman. I'm Skylar. I'm new and I don't know anyone here,"
"Hi Skylar. I'm Scarlet but call me Scar. I'm a freshman too and I don't know anyone either,"
"WAIT!?!? What school did you come from?"
"Treetop, You?"
"I did too! Wait a minute, maybe I never saw you at lunch or something oh well."
"The club is about to start. This is the only thing that seems exciting in this prison,"
"Sweet, I know this seems random but do you have a facebook?"
"Hell ya! By the way, your wavy, long, blond hair is beautiful So, What's your name?"
"I'm the only person named this but Skylar Tee."
"Sweet. Can't wait to add you."
"HA! HA! Look at the outcasts or should I saw losers!" Belted the preps.
I hope Scar was right about this club. Can't wait for it to start.