Status: Active


Chapter 1: Departure

“Qué el infierno?!" (What the hell?)

“No hay ninguna necesidad de palabras así Mercedes.” (There is no need for words like that Mercedes)My mother said calmly.

Pero por qué? (But why?) I asked stunned.

“Pienso que es lo mejor para cada uno.” (I think it is best for everyone) My mother replied.

“Usted apenas me da el tiempo de día, ahora usted me envía al internado?” (You hardly give me the time of day, now you're sending me to boarding school?) I yelled.

“Usted sólo hace lo que es el mejor o usted!” (You’re only doing what’s best for you)

Just then my dad entered. He told my mum to excuse us for a bit. She complied and left the room glancing back at me.

“Mirada Mercedes usted sólo salió del hospital y no queremos que usted sea hecho daño más.” (Look Mercedes you just got out of the hospital and we don't want you to get hurt anymore) He explained. “También la escuela tiene un maravilloso sistema de enseñanza para su Einstein como el cerebro.” (Also the school has a wonderful teaching system for your Einstein like brain)

“Pero voy a dejar a todos mis amigos” (bit I am going to leave all my friends) I worried.

“Perdón Mercedes pero no hay nada podemos hacer sobre ello, usted puede decir adiós antes de que usted se marche” (I'm sorry Mercedes but there is nothing we can do about it, you can say goodbye before you leave) He patted my hand.

“Cuándo me marcho?” (When am I leaving?)

“Hoy.” (Today)

“Pero no tengo el tiempo para hacer las maletas.” (But I don’t have time to pack)

“no preocuparse transportaremos tus cosas. usted debería recíbalo un día después de tus llegada.”(Don't worry we will ship your things and you should receive them a day after your arrival)

I dialed Mae and Zach and told them to hurry over pronto.

“What’s wrong?” They both asked.

“I’m going to boarding school and I might not see you guys.” I explained.

“What! When? Where? Why?” Mae asked

“I know I was shocked as well. I’m leaving today, the school is called Ocean View Boarding school and it’s because of what happened 5 weeks ago.”

“Well I hate the idea but it’s seems sensible I mean you were almost killed!” Zach yelled.

“You’re supposed to be against it ugh!”

“I am so going to miss you Mercy.” Mae hugged me.

“I’m going to miss you too Mae.” I returned the hug.

“Cheer up we’re going shopping until you have to leave.” She suggested.

“To the mall!” We said simultaneously

At The Mall

My dad gave me his credit card to go shopping.

I always had long bronzy-type hair, but a new start calls for a new hairstyle even though I’ve been growing my hair for as long as I can remember.

“Cut or color?” The hairdresser asked me.

“Both please.” I answered

“Any particular style?”

I looked over at Zach who looked bored out of his mind and Mae who gave me a thumbs up and a nervous smile.

“Surprise me.”

“I’ve got just the thing.”

He spent over an hour cutting and coloring my hair. I was horrified how much he cut off.

“Have a look in the mirror.” He held a mirror to my face.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I looked better than before and now my hair was still curly but now it was blonde and layered with bangs.

I paid at the till.

We strolled though the mall.

I bought something from every store I entered.

My arms felt like they were going to drop off.

I had 4 hours before my flight left.

I called my dad to come and pick us up.

When he saw us his eyes grew wide.

“Looks like you bought the whole mall in one day.” He chuckled.

I put the bags in the trunk which took up almost all the space.

Mae and Zach got in the back seat and I got in the front.

I got home and packed things like my iPod, cell phone, magazines, books, makeup etc.

We were outside with my parents in the car.

“Mercedes I’m really going to miss you, you know that.” Mae said.

“Yea, without you here it won’t be so wild and crazy.” Zach added.

“You’ve got to E-mail or call as soon as you get there.”

“I will Aw I’m really gonna miss you and if I had a choice I would stay.” I hugged the both of them. “Te amo chicos.” (I love you guys)

Mae started to tear up a bit but Zach consoled her.

My parents and I drove off to the airport.

The plane was due in half an hour.

“Mercedes Recuerde que sólo estamos haciendo esto para usted.” My dad reassured (Remember that only we are doing this for you) “Recuerde que estamos orgullosos de ti.” (Remember we are proud of you Mercedes)

Oh perfect now I feel guilty.

“Aquí está su tarjeta de crédito, para cualquier cosa que pueda necesitar mientras esté allí” My dad said. (Here is your credit card for anything you might need while you are there)

I took the gold card from him and put it in my purse.

I hugged both my parents.

A voice over the intercom announced my flight was now boarding.

I glanced at my parents hoping somehow this was all a big joke and I didn’t have to leave my friends and everything would all be normal again.

But no, nothing like that.

They both stood for a second.

I gave them both one last hug and then walked toward the plane.

I reached the hall way that connected the plane to the airport and I turned around. Mum was crying.

Tears ran down her face like a waterfall.

Dad embraced her.

Mum had always managed to keep herself together all of the time and I’d never saw her cry ever.

I continued and dragged myself onto the plane.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt the need to add the Spanish because of something i wa taught in class.
If the Spanish isnt that accurae it because i used a translator.
Its not al going to be in Spanish if you're not comfortable with it.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you think!!!!
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Thanks XD
Mercedes' Outfit