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Chapter 2: Arriving

I looked at my ticket, C2.

It was first class. I scanned the isles for my seat.

Yes! A window seat. I loved window seats.

I looked out of the window. I saw just a really busy airport with people bustling about in their own little world.

I got in my seat and brought out the magazine I bought before I boarded.

I couldn’t read it because of a huge man two seats behind me snoring and whistling in his sleep.

The man that was in front of him seemed as agitated as I was and looked like he was about to get up and punch the snoring man in the face.

A flight attendant stopped at my seat.

“Would you like anything to drink?”

“7 up please.”

She nodded and poured my drink.

She handed it over and left.

I downed the liquid in a matter of minutes.

I continued with my magazine.

I must’ve fallen asleep because I woke up to a slight jolt.

The plane was shaking quite violently.

I tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep. But no such luck.

It wasn’t that I was afraid of flying, because I’ve never had a problem with it before.

Finally the turbulence was over.

I opened one eye and scanned around the plane.

Thank goodness, everything was fine.

The plane slowed slowly to a halt.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I quickly put everything in my bag and raced out.

As soon as I stepped out I was lost in a sea of people.

“Mercedes Martinez!”

My head whipped round to where the sound was coming from.

I saw a middle-aged man with a sign with my name written on it.

I walked quickly over to him.

“I’m Mercedes.”

“Can I see some ID?”

I brought out my passport.

After inspecting it he nodded and gestured for me to follow him.

He led me to a black cab.

I got in and we drove away.
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